Thursday, October 5, 2017

Pretty Girl ~

Meet Pretty Girl, my new foster from Ohio Pug Rescue.  She was an owner surrender.  She had a prolapsed uterus and needed major surgery plus her spay.  Severe ear infection.  In need of a dental.  I thought I'd be getting her this weekend after her dental, but the way things worked out I was able to get her yesterday.  She is a 15# wild child.  I have never seen such an active pug (can you say puppy Ritalin?) and she is 6 1/2 years old. 

This is heading home.  The gauze on her leg was from the dental she received earlier in the day.  Here she is still a bit loopy from the anesthesia.

Meeting Ernestine for the first time.  LOTS of butt sniffing was going on.  We call that the "canine Google search".

Dinner.  Thankfully no food aggression from either of them.

Now to the wild child part.  At my house, every time I open the fridge, she tries to climb in.  This evening at DSO's, in just a short time she totally climbed in the his cupboard under the kitchen sink.  Also got closed in the coat closet.  Wanted the decorative pillow I put on the coffee table so jumped up there to get it.  That's it now on the floor.

She's just lucky she is so darn cute :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. She is so lucky to have found you, she will be loved and well cared for and I am sure she will be giving all that love back.


  2. She is a cutie...and pretty darn active for her age. LOL Moses is just two and there are days that I just get out of his way as he goes psycho down the hallway.

    I just caught up on reading your blog. My internet broke up with me earlier this week. LOL

    Cancer is devastating, but when it is a child, I just can't make sense of it. I lost two cousins before they were 17. It still hurts 40 years later.

    I'm glad you got checked out. It's hard to keep up our aches and pains when we get "senior". LOL

  3. She’s adorable. Good luck with the wild child behavior!!!

  4. Oh my sounds like a fun time with the new baby!! She will surely keep you hopping!! Cant help but love that cute little face!! Have fun hope to get to meet her soon!!!

  5. quite an irresistible glad she and Ernestine got appears there will lots of adventures ahead...

  6. A cutie! Glad they are friendly to each other. Maybe Ernestine can teach her manners!

  7. Good luck with this cute wild child. I hope she won't be too unruly for long. Maybe she can learn good manners from Ernestine.

  8. Sounds like wild child & you are going to have an interesting time! Snicker, snicker !! Good Luck!!

  9. It is great the two pups get along. Hopefully have a friend to play with will calm the wild child when she goes back home. You will have your hands busy for sure.

  10. What a cutie pie. Poor girl, what a rough start. She is so cute. I love that look on her face.
    Your wool looks wonderful. Now I am very curious about the one you added bleach. I like all of those colors. I dyed wool this week too. It must be the weather. Have a nice weekend.

  11. She sure is a pretty girl! Love her and her feistiness....we have an old guy here....a rescued shih tzu that we believe is around 14 or 15 and is still rambunctious as ever. Gotta love em!

  12. She is such a cutie! How could such a sweet face get into trouble. ;-) Janice

  13. Oh my goodness, such a cutie! You are wonderful to do this fostering.

  14. She is simply adorable! What a lucky pup!
    Pug Hugs,

  15. Hi Lauren,
    Awwwwwwww!!! She is so darling and now Ernestine has a new friend!!! I'm sure you will all enjoy spending time together!!
    Take care and enjoy those two pups!!
    Heart Hugs~

  16. She's adorable! I know fostering is a lot of work, but I'll bet it's a lot of fun, too.

  17. she is so cute but yikes you have some work to do.


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