Sunday, October 1, 2017

Dyeing with Goldenrod ~

I was inspired by Jo Wick on Facebook to try dyeing with goldenrod.  Her results were such a wonderful, grungy color, I had to give it a try.  I thought you would get a yellow color, but that is not the case.  Maybe it did not come out yellow since the flower heads were past their prime and beginning to turn brown?  Jo shared this link to give you an idea how to do it.  The steps are pretty much the same with wool as they are with yarn.  Since I am not much of a rule follower, I did not weigh the flower heads nor the wool.  I did not use alum nor cream of tartar.  I set the color with vinegar after simmering the wool for about an hour then off to the washer it went.  Warm water, no detergent, Downy (makes the wool smell HEAVENLY), agitate for about 4 minutes.  Dried in the dryer with a big towel. 
The results from my first batch.  I did not put very much wool in the dye pot because I was not sure how it would turn out.  Amazing, isn't it?

Before on the right
After on the left
In  the second pot I added much more wool. 

This time there was a hint yellow in the dyed wool.  Not sure why.  Was it because I had so much more wool?  Still good colors IMHO.


My third attempt is currently in the washer.  I'm not sure how it will come out.  I was in the midst of getting dinner on the table when it was time to give it a glug of vinegar.  I grabbed the half gallon container, gave it a glug, and then gasped.  I grabbed the bottle of bleach that was sitting out to wash the pan.  ARGH!  I quickly added vinegar.  I think ~ HOPE ~ it will be ok.  I should know better than to try to multiplex when dyeing.
For Kelley ~ If you looked up perfect pug in the dictionary, you just might find a picture of Ernestine.  She has been such a good girl and brought her daddy (DSO) and I much happiness.  She was just what we needed :)

I thought I was picking up a new foster today, but she first must have a dental and then will be heading north.  I look forward to meeting Pretty Girl.
And Karin, as much as I wanted that antique sampler to come home with me, the dealer would not come down on the price and it was more than I was willing to pay :(  Darn.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. it looks great! years ago I dyed with acorns I thought brown but it was a golden so natural is really hit or miss

  2. the wool looks wonderful dyed with governors...ugh..good luck with the bleached...Ernestine is a doll!

  3. Wonderful colors, goldenrod does produce some beautiful shades, I got one that was muted but pure color, I really think natural looks so much nicer, but harder to do sometimes. Congrats on the new pup, she looks sweet.


  4. Beautiful colors but oh no on that last batch with the bleach... I hope the bleach hasn't had time to dissolve the wool fibres.

    Ernestine is adorable.
    We got our first light frost yesterday morning. It came so early this year it seems.

    Hugs, Julia

  5. I love how your wool turned out...I'll have to go to a field and find some yellowrod! That was a beautiful sampler, but too much money for it...Have a great day....that little pug is just too cute!

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Your wool turned out beautifully and love all those yummy colors!!! Ernestine is ADORABLE!!
    It was obviously a match made in heaven for ALL of you!!!!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Heart Hugs~

  7. Hope your mixup of bleach did not mess up your dye batch. Wonderful warm colors. Perfect for this time of year. Janice

  8. I love that first batch! My cousin has a pup named Pretty Boy.

  9. Oh my!!! Just look at that little Ernestine!!! So cute! Thanks for indulging us!!!! :-)
    Beautiful woolens too! Who knew goldenrod could create such a soft neutral? Thanks for sharing!

  10. Hope that last batch of dyeing came out ok! Yikes! Your cute little Ernestine is so adorable!! Sigh.

  11. Beautiful wool....great job. It will be fun to hook with.


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