Sunday, October 8, 2017

Frug ~

Have you ever seen a frug?  Let alone heard of one?  Today I volunteered at the Ohio Pug Rescue booth at the Akron Pug Fest.  As soon as I laid eyes on this guy, I was guessing I was seeing my first ever frug.  A cross between a French bulldog and a pug.  Growing up, we called them mutts, but now they are designer dogs . . . lol.  He was half of a bonded pair that was looking for a home.
OPR does not do on site adoptions.  Those wishing to adopt must go through an application process and then be interviewed.  There were many who fell in love with Pretty Girl and several who indicated they would be filling out an application to adopt her.  She was her typical "wild child" self today, constantly stealing toys from our bins.  She sure is a charmer :)

With one of the many toys
she stole from the prize bins.
She loved being inside the
pop up pen.
Ernestine also got her share of attention. 
Ernestine the mermaid

With daddy

I wish I had remembered to take more pictures.  The most common color for pugs is fawn or black.  But there are many shades of fawn.  Apricot colored pugs are much rarer.  A few are even brindle.  Pretty Girl is very petite weighing about 15 pounds.  There were a lot of "big girl" and "big boy" pugs probably weighing close to 30 pounds.  I'd love to know the count on how many were in attendance.  I'm guessing it had to be 100?  150?  I don't know but there were pugs everywhere (along with other breeds).  It was a very successful event for OPR.  I heard they made almost $750.  The nice thing is that the rescue is 100% volunteer, so every dime goes to help the pugs :)
Ernestine with some
shirt tale relatives
Here is Pretty Girl tonight.  She follows me from room to room and is crashed under the desk while I type this post.  I think she is one tired, content little pug :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. So maybe Pretty Girl will have a forever home? She sounds like a handful! Ernestine is just so pretty, love her marking. Glad the event was a success.

  2. What a fun event and wonderful that they raised more money to help the pugs. I am sure she will find a forever home, she is filled with character.


  3. Hi Lauren,
    Have never heard of a Frug!! Thanks for sharing that!! So happy the event was a success! Looks like all the pugs had a great time!! Pretty Girl looks like she just wore herself out having fun!!
    Take care and enjoy your week!
    Heart Hugs!

  4. Hoping Pretty Girl found her forever family...she is adorable and love her conked out shot...

  5. Hey, it's exhausting for a pug to socialize and wear a smile all the time. Bet she was having sweet dreams.

  6. Okay, this blog post is full of cuuuuteness, galore !!!
    I agree with Saundra - exhausting to wear a smile all day ! lol

  7. It's wonderful that they raised so much money. I hope Pretty Girl gets adopted very soon. I've never heard of a Frug either. I would have guess a pug in a rug, haha.
    Hugs, Julia

  8. oh my, just another one to love! yay frugs!!!!

  9. Wow, I've never heard of frugs. Very cute! All the dogs are so adorable. Can you tell I like pugs? :D

  10. So very cute!! My family raised pugs as I was growing up. There is nothing like a baby pug to pull at your heart. I always had a pug on the bed. If they worked it right, they would snuggle their way right under the covers! LOL And now that I think about it, a couple may have been frugs! LOL

  11. I liked the pictures you took your are such a good person to do that. What fantastic dogs are there. Poor tired puppy.

  12. Hi Lauren, I would be so tempted to become her "forever" home and Mom. She is precious. I too never heard of them. But then I never heard of a Viszla either and I think our Rusty might be one??? OR, maybe a Mullins Feist???, he's more their size. What I do know, Rusty is a keeper and very much rules the roost.
    These rescued babies are the BEST. Thanks Lauren for being so kindhearted.

  13. so cute for sure I hope she gets a fur ever home.

  14. So nice of you. They are all so very sweet! Enjoy your day

  15. you've been a very busy girl and that new foster is adorable ! quite a handful it sounds. Lucky you getting to go to the ATHA national. Bet you'll have a great weekend shopping and vending. take care Mel


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