Sunday, April 2, 2017

Wool Yankers Hook-in ~


Life has been busy but boring.  Nothing on the rug front.  I am now half done with the hit and miss border but it doesn't look a whole lot different than the last time you saw it. 
I spent a good part of the week getting ready for the Wool Yankers hook-in where friend Melissa and I had the privilege of vending.  I was pleased with my sales :)  Anything to help support my habits (hooking & antiques).

Our table

My stuff

Melissa's stuff
She makes the most wonderful jewelry
using lots of wool and buttons
and other fun stuff

Part of the rug display.  That's my Magdalena dog and crows on the middle right.

Melissa had told me about a tag sale last week.  I went on the first day.  They had some neat stuff but the prices were high.  I saw this fun table top desk but wasn't willing to spend the money.  Melissa was going on day 2 when most things are half price.  I asked her to purchase the desk for me if it was still there.  I was shocked when she said it was still there so she was able to get it for me.  What a surprise when I was getting it from her.  There was a ribbon tied around it and she gave it to me for my birthday.  What a wonderful gift!  We will be able to use it as our cash drawer when we vend at another hook-in at the end of May.  Thanks Melissa.  You are a dear friend :)
Only 17 1/2" wide, it has a leather top . . .

. . . and inside the lid, names and places are written and carved in.  Isn't that just too cool?  I wonder who Mabel Snyder was.  The owner of the desk or fancied by the owner?

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a sweet little desk! Your Magdalena rug looks wonderful on display! Glad you made a little $ to support your habit.

  2. Sweet Lauren, I'm happy that you were pleased with your sales and that you got that desk from your good friend Melissa. What a thoughtful friend she is. I think I would have done the same thing as I think you really deserve it.

    Your Magdalena rug looks very nice.
    I hope you have a great week. It looks like spring is coming finally.
    Hugs, Julia

  3. how nice of Melissa to gift you with something you really wanted. Interesting piece! love your booth - it's full of cool stuff ! Take care mel

  4. Hi Lauren,
    Your both looks beautiful and I especially love the paisley!! Your Magdalena rug looks wonderful in the display, too!! Such a lovely prim desk and so sweet Melissa gifted it to you!!
    Happy you made some $ for all your hard work!
    Enjoy your day, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  5. Hi Lauren,
    Guess I can't spell today!!! lol
    Meant to say booth, NOT both!!! So sorry!! 😩
    Let's try it again....... Your BOOTH looks great!!!!
    Big Heart Hugs~

  6. Hi friend, Wow...what a great find for you. So nice to have friends who help a super B-Day gift too. Happy you did well at the Hook-In and your booth looks lovely.
    Enjoy the week...keep on hookin' as Madgdalena is awesome.
    Peace, Barb

  7. Your rug was beautiful and I love my crow necklace I purchased from you! Was a fun hook in

  8. What a lovely gift! love your table and rug rug.
    Looks like fun

  9. What a fun day! Rugs & Antiques......everything a girl could want.
    Marcia @

  10. What a wonderful birthday gift. I love your table. I also like seeing your rugs hung up. I love your Magdalena rug. You did such a great job. I wish I could see all of your goodies in person. They look fantastic. I am so glad you shared. Have a great week1

  11. Looks like a great show and I am happy to hear you did well. What a wonderful surprise and gift.


  12. LOVE that desk, and what a wonderful friend she is to gift you with it.

  13. What a sweet desk. It was meant to be yours! Glad you did at the show. Janice

  14. Beautiful display, Lauren !
    And, happy birthday to you!
    Very sweet desk (with a leather top !).


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)