Monday, March 27, 2017

A Favorite Cupboard ~

I admit it.  I have a weakness for antique cupboards and own many.  If my house was bigger, I'd have even more :)
I don't remember when I purchased this diminutive cupboard, but I'm guessing it was at least 15 years ago.  It measure only 14" tall and 7 3/4" wide and sports a wonderful patina.

The neat thing about the cupboard is that it is made from on old Victrola cabinet.  Isn't that just too cool?

A little progress has been made on my scrappy crosses rug, but nothing worth sharing.  I am vending at a local hook in on Saturday, so I've been busy trying to get a few things made.  I must do something to support these habits of mine :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love your cupboard and even more from what it
    is made of. Love your rug so much.

  2. Wonderful cupboard and I do love old wooden items.


  3. Very neat cupboard! Even better yet to have the label present ;) And how about that label ?? Victor Talking Machine !

  4. How about that, someone made a small cupboard from an old recycled Victrola cabinet. You can still partially see the dog in the little medallion.

    Good luck at your vending on Saturday. I bet everyone is happy to see you there.
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. You are a dear.

  5. How neat. My brother and I used to climb in our parents attic and play the old victrola with those old 78 rpm records. It had the heavy needle which you'd bend backward to remove from the record. We used to get into SO much trouble when they discovered were were up there.

    I had it here for years but since my brother is 5 years younger gave it to him about 5 years ago for him to pass onto one of his kids.

  6. I also have a weakness for cupboards. I usually go for the large standing ones. If I ever redo my kitchen I will only use cup boards no built in cabinets. My living room has 4 large ones. I cannot get another one in unless I take one out. I love your little cupboard.

  7. Hi Lauren,
    What a darling cupboard and a true Make Do, to be sure!! I love cupboards as well, but would have to say that Chairs are my real weakness!!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!!
    Heart Hugs~

  8. Wonderful little cupboard! What a testament to "make-do" style! Great that the label has survived.

  9. NICE cupboard. I just love olde stuff made from wood. This was one exceptional find and you still have it. Does it store anything inside? I'm nosey.
    Have fun vending and much success too.
    Folk Art Hugs and Peace,

  10. Love the little cabinet. Good luck at your show! Janice

  11. I think I like that cupboard too... Especially with the Victrola piece! Camden is not a safe place to be these days... sure wish I could have seen it when the Victrolas were being made there! Ahhh... the good ol' days!

  12. You have the best collectibles!! Good luck vending. You have great stuff, so I know you will do well.

  13. If I had room, I would have them too. I loved cupboards and tables.
    I finished one of my roadblock rugs, and now am over the hump on the second one.
    I decided to hook with larger loops and that helped my mind so much.
    I hope you have a wonderful day on Saturday and sell bunches and bunches.

  14. Love the entire primitive look. Sigh. I think most stuff in my house is just plain old. LOL My perfect home would be a California Craftsman, with a huge porch, and lots of open space with every primitive piece I could get my hands on. LOL My house is filled with the things I love, but I can always dream.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)