Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday Ramblings ~

We never did get snow the other day, but less than five miles south they got several inches of that wet, heavy, beautiful spring snow :)  I always love a spring snow because within a day or two it is gone.  Today is a gorgeous day.  I cut grass for the first time.  Don't you just love the smell of a freshly cut lawn?  Getting some more yard clean up done and I have plenty to keep me busy for many days, though I may not be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

Friday I hit a couple antique shops with my brother's DSO Lyn.  I was VERY good ~ only bought this sweet little treen container (2nd from right) and a couple gifts that I cannot share (and some silverplate spoons to make necklaces but that doesn't count . . . lol).  It's been a while since I've added to my treen collection, but this was too good a deal to pass up.  The pieces are more of a barn red in person.  You can see more of my collection here.
Yesterday was the Gathered Treasures show about an hour and a half from home.  Met dear friend Sheila and was good yet again (no fun).  It is a wonderful show, but even though I have a few "primitive" things, that is not my style.  I did come home with two snowbirds dating from the mid 1800's.  Now that I have three, I guess it's an official collection.  Here they are sitting atop a little tiger maple corner cupboard ~ sweet but not old ~ in the guest/computer room.  (A snowbird was mounted on the roof to keep the snow from falling on people below. The wings held back the snow to allow it to melt.)
A couple weeks ago when we had a few days of bitter cold, I thought all my daffodil bulbs would freeze.  Some did but many did not which makes me a happy camper.

Hyacinth is another favorite of mine :)

Primrose . . .

I don't remember what the sweet little flowers are.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Obviously I don't know much about antiques because #1~ what the heck are treens and what were they used for?

    #2~ Good thing you told us (me) they were snowbirds because they look like eagles to me.

  2. Love the red treen! Went back to look at your collection...most impressive! I love tiger maple and your corner is a beauty. I find that when I see an antique made out of tiger maple it does not appeal to me as much as newly made pieces. Go figure!
    I love spring...even though I get a year older every time it rolls around!

  3. Love the snowbirds. Actually they are a wonderful useful item! Your spring flowers are so cheerful !

  4. Forget me nots. I have never heard of snow birds except the people who go south for the winter.
    Cathy .

  5. I'm learning something from your antique collecting. I had never herd of snowbirds to stop the snow from falling off the roof. They are quite nice and it's another thing for you to collect.

    Those little blue flowers looks like the one that grows beside my big rock and they are called Scilla. They have a small bulb and they spread from the seed balls that forms after they bloom. They are so pretty.

    It was so nice today I cleaned one flowerbed.
    Hugs, Julia

  6. Love the red pieces and I really love the birds, now that I know what those are, I will have to keep an eye open when i go to antique stores.


  7. Love the beautiful. Snow birds, that's a new one for me too. Very nice.
    Folk Art Hugs & Happy Easter too ALL,

  8. Snow birds -- never knew about them. Very cool! Love how they look on your cupboard -- and love that cupboard! I'm into pretty woods. Yay for spring flowers!

  9. Hi Lauren,
    Love your new treen piece to add to your collection! Those snow birds are so wonderful and 3 is the perfect number! They look great on top of your beautiful tiger maple cupboard! The flowers are just gorgeous! Spring has finally come to Ohio!!
    Hope you have a Blessed Easter, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  10. Loved hearing about the snow birds and really like the color pooping in your garden. Janice

  11. Your flowers are beautiful. How did you ever find time to work? You have done such fun things since you retired.
    I hope you have a lovely week.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)