Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Time Management ~

I thought once I got in to the swing of retirement, I would have so much free time.  I would hook hours everyday and also cross stitch, needle punch and do wool applique.  HA!  I'm lucky if I find a bit of time to hook each day.  It would help if I'd stay home more.  It seems I'm always on the run.  Yard work has also been at the forefront.  We've have a few beautiful days so I've spent many hours working on the flower gardens.  I'm about half done.  The sun is shining today but it is downright chilly.  I may try to rake up some leaves in my little back patio, but I really am a fair weather gardener. 
It's hard to find something to blog about when I have no hooking to share.  I thought I would finish my scrappy crosses rug last week, but I still have part of one side to go in addition to the four corners. 
Saturday I, along with three hooker friends, are heading up to Ann Arbor, MI to a hook in.  Always a good time with wonderful vendors :)  Just what I need ~ more wool . . . lol!

Just because I have such wonderful followers, I'm having a little give-away.  Completely hand sewn, these little pouches are made from antique coverlets and lined with wool.  (I did not cut up a coverlet.  These were made with pieces I've picked up over the years.)  Perfect to hold your hook and scissors if you are a hooker :)  They range in size from 8" to 11".  The winner gets her choice.  As always, the rules are simple.  Leave a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  I will choose a winner next Tuesday evening.  THE WINNER MUST CONTACT ME WITHIN 3 DAYS OR I WILL PICK ANOTHER.  (Please no sharing on social media.)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow these are just lovely Lauren. I have to enter this one. I would love to win one of these. I might go to a hook in someday. ;) I still love them. You did such a great job. I love reading about all that you are doing. It just sounds so much fun.

  2. Your work is absolutely wonderful and I know someone will be the lucky recipient. Retirement....I did that in 2009 and had the same problem you do until I declared to myself and everyone around me that unless the world stopped turning Thursday was my rug hooking day. It worked and I actually can call that my day. During the week it's easier to hook if I have a good start on Thursday.

  3. Love your little bags. I feel lucky, giveway!

  4. Lauren I would love one of these but not for myself... My hubby is the hooker and he is a bit scattered so this would be lovey to help him keep things together.... Retirement is a busy time, as we all find out... Sandi

  5. Love Love the Coverlet Bags. Enjoy your Hook-in. Thresa

  6. What cute little bags! I'd love to have one. I am Semi-retired & trying to decide whether to work one more year part-time. Looking forward to not working but know I will miss my students when I do finally retire. Love hearing about your hooking and your gardening!

  7. They are beautiful! You are blessed.

  8. I love your bags. I saw them on your post that you did when you were vending a few weeks back and wished that you would sell some of your beautiful items on your blog. I know packing and shipping is a pain. So now I get a chance to win one. The one with the orange is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. Lauren what a sweet giveaway.....enjoyed seeing you at wool yankers hook in, so much to take was my first....

  10. MY husband says the same thing he is always doing things here or for someone else so he says how did I get everything done before? Well he didn't and I think time management was better.
    Love your give away Lauren.
    Happy Easter

  11. oh my how pretty! I would love to win one! enjoy your retirement i myself am just biding my time.

  12. Hook in on Easter weekend? Have a good time and dress cool cause it is suppose to be 75 on Saturday.
    I bet your yard is looking beautiful! I cut my lawn yesterday. Beautiful weather yesterday, today cloudy all day.
    HAPPY EASTER Lauren!

  13. I would love to be retired but I would have to have a plan. I think the first month I would just enjoy sleeping in and going to bed late, just because... haha...

    I think retirement is a balancing act and you have to have priorities. You should live as if this is your last day and enjoy whatever you are doing at the moment. Today is a gift.

    You are most generous with your cute give away but please don't enter me in the give away as I'm drowning in clutter. I'm expecting the rest of my daughter's things to arrive this month, all 19 boxes that was chosen to be shipped home all the rest was donated or has already arrived.
    Warm hugs

  14. Enjoy your blog. Would love to win. They are beautiful!

  15. I would love to be a winner. I enjoy following your adventures.

  16. My comment is that these are beautiful and so nicely done. I am inspired. Thanks for the give-away.

  17. Beautiful little bags, Lauren. Love the old coverlets. You do so many things so well. ...jan

  18. cont'd ... And you are always so generous! ...jan

  19. Great little bags, you are so kind to be offering as a giveaway. Enjoy these warmer days.

  20. When I told you 'every day was a holiday' after retirement, I never said you'd accomplish more with all that free time, lol.

    Lovely pouches but DON'T sign me up for the drawing as I'm saving my third win for the lottery drawing, lol.

  21. Hi Lauren,
    Hope you have fun at the Hook In! How can you ever have too much wool?
    Your coverlet pouches are just wonderful!! Such a great idea!!!
    Hope you have a Blessed Easter, my friend!
    Easter Hugs~

  22. I hope you have a wonderful road trip and a blessed Easter. I will pass on your drawing only because I have been lucky enough to win in the past. The pouches are darling !

  23. All my friends who are retired say they never knew how they found the time to work. I think whether you work or not - it's still hard to find time to do all that you want to do. for me it is anyway and lately I find I am just doing nothing when I get home but playing on the iPad - oh well - please enter me in your drawing - I love coverlets and the bags are darling - thanks Mel

  24. These are lovely. Wish I would be a winner once. Thanks.

  25. So happy to see you today and thanks sooooo much for my lovely little bulbs! I have a perfect spot for them! Your rug is amazing but happy I got my little "rug" finished! Yes retirement is awesome but find I have even less time now!! Thanks for a chance at the giveaway your work is simply gorgeous!! xoxo

  26. Your Giveaways are so cute. Count me in please. I know exactly what you mean about being retired and finding no time to do what you really love. I sometimes wonder how I got all of it done when I was working full time with a son too?!
    Marcia (higglersnotch)

  27. While you think your not getting much done, every time I look you have a new finish coming off your frame! And your other running around sounds like some fun things are happening there also. Our lists will always be long so we may as well just jump in head first and keep on swimming. Your coverlet bags are wonderful it would be a honor to be added to the drawing.

  28. These are awesome Lauren. Would love to have the chance to win. Have fun in Ann Arbor this weekend. Janice

  29. Love your little pouches, cute idea! I find when I stay home, I get lots more done! For some reason, that makes a difference! 😃

    1. Love your bags Lauren you are so gifted.

  30. Love, Love ,Love your pretty pouches !!! The old coverlets are just so pretty !
    There are never enough hours in the day to do all things we want to do. Now that you are retired , you can have fun going to all the neat little shops you never had a chance to visit before . Also you are more careful with your spending money , that takes some fun out of it too ....Oh well ....Happy Hooking !!!

  31. Hey Lauren,
    I agree that I had such plans of everything I'd do once I had all the time in the world but 5 years later that seems like I'm still waiting for everything to come together. Of course you know me and coverlets so just swooning over the pouches! You have more talent in your little finger than I have in my entire body. Enjoy your Easter weekend and hope it's fun filled!

  32. If you find that elusive "time management " - let me know - I could use some !
    LOVE your coverlet bags ! Very creative.

  33. I think that what happens is this: When you have a job, you HAVE TO be at the SAME place (for way too long) EVERY day... so that when retirement happens, it's like "someone left the gate open" and you roam free whenever and wherever you please! It's a beautiful thing! Enjoy! :-)
    Love those coverlet pouches!

  34. Love your handwork Lauren. The coverlets are gorgeous.Great seeing you last weekend. HAPPY EASTER.

  35. Gardening has drawn me away from handwork since the weather is nice, too. Perhaps you could share some of your gardening. It doesn't always have to be hooking!! The pouches are lovely and it would be nice to win one, but I won't be disappointed if I don't ...well, maybe only a little...LOL.

  36. Sweet pouches!! Enjoy reading ur blogs,,,, take care and happy easter,,,,

  37. What a lovely giveaway! Thank you! I do agree that retirement doesn't necessarily give you as much time as you thought it would. Ah well!

  38. Lauren...what beautiful pouches! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win.Lisa K

  39. So enjoy you're blog The pouches are beautiful Thanks for the chance to win

    linda m

  40. Oh how I love antique coverlets! And oh how I love your pouches! I don't hook, but it would be perfect for my stitching tools and thread. Thank you for the chance!
    Blessings, Patti

  41. Thanks for the chance Lauren, great offer!


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