Sunday, April 23, 2017

I Kid You Not ~

In today's newspaper magazine insert, there is an article on what people earn.  From the mountain safety host ($1637) to a famous actor (est $63 million).  The most bizarre I found ~ and I  kid you not ~ is the 33 year old female in Portland, Oregon, who is a "professional cuddler".  And what is that, you ask?  I quote, "I teach platonic touch in a one-on-one setting under the rules of Certified Cuddlers with the goal of creating a safe space for each person to feel accepted and loved just as they are!".  WTH??? And she is earning $59K a year!!!
I'm finally been back to working on my class rug (Connie Bradley - Wool Yankers) that I started early in March.  It is a small mat, only about 10" x 24".  I'm getting close.  The opposite side is done.  Just needs a little tweaking.  I normally don't round my corners, but decided to give it a try.  I think I will either bind this with wool or a crochet edge since it is small.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Yesterday was too cold to get in the yard and this morning it was only 34*.  I mowed the lawn today, but needed to wear gloves most of the time.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. LOL that job! I'd starve because I am not a hugger, especially of strangers...

    very nice little mat...

  2. This is just one more example why I should have been anything but a school teacher.

  3. There are some strange professions that cater to strange people who pay for it, lol. Beautiful rug, love the colors.


  4. The things people come up with, and then to think there are people who pay for it....weird world we live in.....

    Love your mat...can not wait to see finished....your work is always beautiful.....


  5. where do I sign up for that job??? Love your rug. We were warm and wonderful yesterday and I got some yard work in.
    rain on the way

  6. Hahaha, a professional cuddler. I guess it's not recognized by my computer dictionary, lol. I have to rectify that and add that word to my dictionary...
    I give free cyber hugs and I don't get paid for it...

    I think if you have to pay to feel loved and accepted then the love is not really for the individual but love for the money. What a weird world we live in.

    Your rug is looking great.

    Good for you for mowing the lawn. We had our church spring supper yesterday so no yard work for me. I better get my butts in gear and rake the lawn.

  7. Your rug is that teal/green color! Your scrappy rug is fabulous! I'm more appalled at the actor that makes 63 million...disgusting! We are hoping for a bit of rain this week...our state is burning up, literally.
    Have a great week.

  8. Your rug is that teal/green color! Your scrappy rug is fabulous! I'm more appalled at the actor that makes 63 million...disgusting! We are hoping for a bit of rain this week...our state is burning up, literally.
    Have a great week.

  9. Colors are great in your mat and it is fun to have rounded corners sometimes. Sure makes whipping the edges easier too.

  10. Love the new mat....I worked in the yard yesterday and actually got hot! But I was in direct sunlight....hopefully, by the middle of the week it will warm up.. THat's hilarious about the professional cuddler...I wonder if that's all she's doing...LOL!!

  11. and to think I've been cuddling for free all these years....although, I could be a professional 'slapper'... "for those individuals in need of a fresh one" !!!!

  12. Interesting job titles and salaries. Kind of startling isn't it? I love your new little mat. I hope life settles down and I can hook soon. I love your colors in that rug. Have a great week!

  13. I love the design a well as the colors of your mat. Looking forward to seeing it finished.
    That's Hollywood! I'll say no more.
    Have a happy week...Barb

  14. Hi Lauren,
    I remember seeing a gal on America's Got Talent, and it seemed like her talent was cuddling!!! Wonder if it is the same person?
    Your rug is so pretty and it will be nice to see your finish!! So strange to hear how cold your weather is!! We have been in the 90's here!! Wanna trade?? Wish we could share!!!
    Take care and enjoy your week!
    Heart Hugs~

  15. Your rug is so pretty. Love the colors. Can't wait to see the end result.
    I retired from owning a nail salon and didn't get paid for holding all those hands!!! Guess I was in the wrong business.

  16. Love the colors in your new ruglet as Mark has started calling all my mats.

    So professional cuddler is just the job I need to pursue but not people only animals because people tend to get on my menopausal nerves.

  17. Really???? I guess you have to admire someone who can promote themselves enough to get that kind of money for such a position...note I said "I guess". Love your mat... beautiful, rich colors. I have never rounded corners. They look nice.

  18. You could pay me enough to be a cuddler - definitely NOT my thing! gives me the creeps just thinking about all the perverts who would sign up for that service. On a happier not - I love your rug and the colors are wonderful ! Mel

  19. That is a beautiful rug, Lauren.
    Sunshine and warm temps are coming to us tomorrow!!
    Professional cuddler ?? Only in America !

  20. I actually saw a piece on TV once about professional cuddlers. They do exist! So weird! Love your rug finish from your last post -- gorgeous! Love your new rug too. Beautiful!

  21. Well...I'm thinking that since I work in a prison, no cuddling for me! LOL LOL LOL

    Your rug is so pretty. The colors are perfect. Have a wonderful Sunday!


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