Sunday, April 30, 2017

Amish Hook In ~

ARGH!  I can't believe it's been a week since I last posted.  First let me say that I have been Fitbit obsessed.  For 37 days I made my 10,000 steps.  One day I did over 15,000 - a record for me.  Well I screwed up yesterday big time.  I was an hour in to my journey to the hook in when I realized it was at home being charged.  Oh, I was so upset with myself but could not justify adding two hours to my trip to retrieve it.  So much for my record.  No way could I get that many steps in starting at 5:30 pm.  I guess I'll just have to start over . . . sigh.
So ~ ~ ~ the hook in was wonderful as always.  Maria Barton was the featured hooker and I missed out on getting in her class.  My own fault but I was so bummed.  I've had a couple classes with her and she is just so much fun :)  I've hooked many of her rugs and did buy a couple patterns from her that I will share in my next post.  I can't believe I did not take any pictures of Maria's booth.  She has such a unique style.
The rug show was wonderful.  Lots of rugs and a few applique pieces.  Enjoy . . .

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow , so many great rugs ! Those hooked houses were neat !!!

  2. Oh My Stars! What a beautiful rug show you provided. Thank you so very much.

  3. What a shame you forgot your Fitbit..maybe next time you can beat your record. Love all of these rugs. Such talented ladies. Cannot wait to see what you bought. Janice

  4. Thanks for all the eye candy! Impossible for me to choose which one I like the best!

  5. great show! you are out and about a lot lucky you

  6. Oh, that fitbit fever... I'm sorry you forgot your fitbit but I bet you're in great shape for walking all those steps every day and really, that's what count. Won't it just pick up where you left off?

    A great rug show and I think my favorite is that first rug Proverb 31:13. I've been admiring that rug pattern for quite a long time. It's very beautiful.

    I've been eating some Ketchup with my fries the other day and i couldn't help but think of you, haha.

    Hope you have some nice weather.
    Hugs, Julia

  7. I agree with Julie on the Proverbs 31:13 rug. I had never seen a rug like it but when I received a hooker necklace from you I saved the card with this picture on it. I thought I the time it would make a neat rug. Do you happen to know whose pattern it is.

  8. What a wonderful rug show, a lot of different styles and unique pieces. I love the houses and cut outs, something i should try.


  9. Oh my, what wonderful rugs. I picked out two of your rugs immediate, good job. That hit and miss triangle design was awesome as were others. But that really caught my eye.

    Also love my FitBit and while I do have some 10,000 step days (sometimes over) no way have I had that long a duration as you. Congrats!!

  10. Oh No!! You forgot it? Isn't that a terrible feeling. But good for you and 37 days!! Its so addicting isn't it? I did that same thing on Sunday Morning, left it charging and went for a walk.
    I loved the rugs. Did I see a couple of your rugs in those pictures? It sounds like you had fun though. I hope you have a great May Lauren!

  11. Hi Lauren,
    So sorry that happened to your great record!! Keep taking those steps!
    The rug show was so amazing and I saw several of your wonderful rugs, too!! I'm sure you had a wonderful time and also brought home some treasures!! Looking forward to seeing those!!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Heart Hugs~

  12. All of the rugs are gorgeous! Now I have to find out where to get those hooked house patterns... I can envision a whole Christmas village!!! ;-)

  13. We'll take your word for it ! We know you got in your 10,000 steps !!
    Great rugs. Very inspiring.

  14. Wow. Wow. Wow. So much talent. If you are like me, you always go around twice when at a show. Yep, probably got those 10,000 steps!

  15. catching up again - GREAT photos of the hooking event. You always do such a great job. So fun to see all the rugs. I know I say it often but you are so lucky you have so many opportunities to hook near you. Hugs Mel


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