Thursday, April 20, 2017


. . . something to show you.  The hooking is done - woo hoo - but of course the steaming and binding will have to wait. 
I started this rug mid-February so it's taken me over two months to hook, but I did have two classes where I started new rugs.  (How's that for justification?)  Hopefully they will be the next rugs worked on.  This rug ended up being 31" x 45" ~ by far my largest rug to date.  I used lots of worms and small pieces of wool, but did not make a dent in them.  I swear they multiply at night while we sleep :)
As most of us know, it is so hard to get a good color picture of the rug with a digital camera.  This was taken outside in dappled sunlight.  It's pretty washed out, but you get the idea of how it looks, right?

I'm so happy to have the initial yard clean up done :)  Now to thin the perennials.  I have so many that have just taken over.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. The rug is gorgeous, Lauren! You hooked it pretty darn fast, if you ask me!! Steaming and binding is not my favorite thing!

  2. Your rug is fabulous Lauren! perfect border...wish I were close enough for some of those perennials..I've got plans for my yard over the next few years...

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Your rug is just wonderful and I love the border!! I know you must be doing the Happy Dance!! I love perennials so much because they are the only thing I ever grew that didn't die!! They actually made me feel like I had a partially green thumb!!
    Enjoy the rest of your week!
    Heart Hugs~

  4. Good for you Lauren....Your rug is lovely. I hope you will be using it where you will see it everyday. I love the size and I think it will make a very useful mat and will bring you joy.
    I love perennials and they are still a lot of work to keep weeded but they bring me joy and surprises every year.
    I have tons of irises that needs dividing and I usually do it in August and that's when I get lots of visitors so they seem to never get divided.
    Hugs, Julia

  5. Looks awesome! Love all of the colors. Bob and I are headed to Ohio next month and was wondering if there are any shops along the I75 corridor that sells wool? Loved your comment on my blog about hoping that my shoulder would thaw out. LOL Loved it. Therapy went well today. Janice

  6. Your rug is so very beautiful Lauren !!! The colors are beautiful together. Isn't it great looking over a cleaned up lawn and gardens ? Nice work.

  7. Love how it came out and the hit or miss, the colors are beautiful.


  8. This rug looks amazing!!! I love it!!

  9. It is wonderful Lauren! Husband has been cleaning up the yard so we are looking pretty good.

  10. It is wonderful and you did a great job. And yes, totally agree the wool worms multiply like rabbits.

  11. That is a big rug.. you feel it took you a long time, for me your time frame would have been a record. It really turned out nice.

  12. Lauren your rug is gorgeous! Love the colors and you made it in record time.

  13. Absolutely beautiful! I love the staggered hit n miss in the border! Awesome!

  14. Laren, you did an outstanding job. I love geometric designs and the randomness of colors for the border. Perfect all around. Once again, you are an inspiration...
    Folk Art Hugs with Peace,

  15. Awesome mat,! Love it,,,, and using up stuff , too,,,, even better,,,,,,

  16. wonderful rug! still working on my garden, roofing slowed me down


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