Friday, March 24, 2017

I Cleaned It ~ I REALLY Did ~

A few weeks ago I took a break from basement cleaning to clean the hooking room.  It looked great for a few days.  Look at it now . . .

I normally have just one rug in progress, occasionally two.  I currently have three.  With three rugs in progress and another to bind, this is what it looks like again.  ARGH!!!  I know many of you will agree it is difficult to keep the hooking room clean.  I am just happy I have a room to contain the mess :)
Here is the progress on my rugs.  I finally started the hit and miss border on my scrappy crosses rug.  The border is 3 1/2" wide and the overall size is 30" x 45".  HUGE for me.  I'm guesstimating the border will take me at least 15 more hours of hooking.

The little mat from my Connie Bradley class.  I've got a couple little things to change.  If  I would just sit down and hook on it, it would only take me a few hours to finish.

 I have not pulled a loop on Proud Lion since class.  I think I will concentrate on the two rugs above.

What a gorgeous day here in northern Ohio.  I even did a little yard work.  It felt SO GOOD to be outside playing in the dirt.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. In all honesty I think your room looks great. Heck, my hooking is done in my living room and the mess isn't hidden at all. That is the first thing people see when they walk thru the front door. Thankfully my visitors are contained to family and they 'get me'.

  2. Compared to my hooking room, yours looks very clean even though you have a few things out. It's a hooking room after all and it looks lovely. I don't even see wool worms or wool dust on the floor.

    I hope you have fun hooking your hit and miss border. Just straight hooking can be relaxing.

    I'm so envious that you could do yard work already.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. I think it's all looking good ! It shows you're being creative ;)

  4. All of your rugs are wonderful and it is nice to switch off on rugs to take a break.


  5. Hey Lady....if my hooking room looked like that I'd be doing the happy dance!!! love your lion rug, whose design is it??? Love all your rugs!!


  6. My punchin, stitchin' & hookin' (sort of), is spread out in 1 guest bedroom/den, our master bedroom and mostly in the kitchen nook (great lighting). All I can say is that WE live here and it surely shows. All are welcome but need to accept us as we are.
    Really love all the rugs... especially the one from Connie's class.
    Have a pleasant day/weekend and enjoy the weather... we hit 75, a bit cooler than last week's 85. I am lovin' it.

    Folk Art Hugs with Peace for ALL,

  7. what a cozy room to play in! love it ~ mine never stays neat either, I've learned to accept that I can write in the wool-dust on my shelves! rugs look great ~ will follow progress :)

  8. It looks wonderful. I always hook better in a clean room. I have the same two rugs on my frames. I could finish if I would just quit running outside to play in the dirt. My attention span is that of a gnat. I love all of those rugs. Maybe today you will have a chance to work on them. Its raining today so maybe I will. Have a lovely day.

  9. I love that mat from Connie!! I have three UFO's myself. I'm determined to finish one this evening! See you next week at Connie's hook in....can't wait!!

  10. Oh my first I want to come play in there for sure and looks pretty nice and neat to me too!!! your rugs look amazing and yikes I just want to finish one of my rugs hehehe! plus all the dolls, bunnies, pincushions and stitcheries etc I have in progress!! One day will have to come visit so we can have a "play date"!! i have a whole room too but looks like 1/2 your size plus all over the living room too hehehe! see you soon! I have missed you!! :)) Linda

  11. Loved seeing all the beautiful rugs in your last two posts. Love getting a peek of your hooking room too. Love your three rugs in progress!!!! Sigh. I envy you hookers. (I can't believe it's been a year since your poor sweet fur baby was attacked and died. ) (Happy birthday!)

  12. I always say a cluttered mess is one that has a creative mind. Loving your rugs. Janice

  13. That hooking room looks right comfy and inviting to me...all filled with creative clutter. It is so much fun to see you enjoying your retirement. Time to take classes equals more rugs in progress...and they are all looking great!! I am thinking that Miss Ellie would like for you to give another four legged friend your love.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)