Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Class Projects ~

Here are some of the projects being worked on in last week's class with Carol Weatherman.  The room had lots of windows and was very bright (GREAT for hooking), but caused a few of the rugs to look very washed out.

Standing wool projects . . . 

On a sad note, it was one year ago today that I had to say goodbye to my Ellie after she was attacked by a dog in my driveway four days earlier.  The lawsuit I filed to hold the dog's owner accountable was finally settled.  I recouped the majority of my expenses, but he could not be made to pay attorney fees.  More important than the money was the fact that he was held responsible.  It just breaks my heart when I think about what poor Ellie went through.  She was such a little spitfire and there isn't a day that I don't miss her.  Run fast and free, my sweet baby girl.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wonderful rugs! Love seeing all the hooking talent out there. Glad you prevailed in your case. It breaks my heart that you lost your sweet girl as a result someone else's negligence. B@$!%#$!!!

  2. Dear Lauren, it breaks my heart to think about what your sweet Ellie went through also. I'm sure you relive that moment over and over in your mind. A year is such a short time.

    I'm glad the lawsuit is settled in your favor but but it must still be bitter sweet for you.

    Thanks for sharing the rug show with us. Some real nice work. I'm glad you could be there.

    The wind is howling so strong this evening, I hope we won't blow away.
    Take care, I'm sending some warm hugs.

  3. Beautiful rugs .....and I'm sure you know how I feel about your sweet baby....❤❤❤❤❤

  4. So sad about your fur baby, but glad you got some justice out of it. Some talented ladies out there. Janice

  5. So very sad about Ellie and you may have saved another dog from her fate.
    Love all the rugs great inspiration.

  6. big hugs for you and Ellie's dear one, man or beast, deserves such a fate...I am only sorry there wasn't more punishment for that jack***

  7. I was just thinking of her the other day. What a sweet girl. I am glad you were able to get back some money.

    I love the rugs you posted. What a lot of talent. I hope you have a wonderful evening Lauren. We are getting a Five Guys here in town. I am going to eat there when it opens because you liked it. Every since I read that I have thought of you. :)

  8. Loved the in-progress rugs you showed. It tears at my heart strings just reading about Ellie's fate. Cannot imagine the terror both you and she went thru for those several minutes and then days visiting her at the vet.

  9. Poor sweet Ellie, this happens so often as it did with my little pug Sissy a huge dog running loose in neighborhood attach her

    love all those rugs being created

  10. Ohhh Lauren, my heart is aching for you. Loosing a part of the family is always so painful.
    On the happier side...Looks like you had a classroom of talent. How lucky for you that you are close enough to attend theses events. Now that you are home have a pleasant day and Enjoy your memories.
    Folk Art Hugs with Peace for ALL,

  11. Hi Lauren,
    Sending you LOTS OF HUGS, my friend!! Even after a year, I know your heart STILL HURTS!!!
    Take care and hold on to all the good memories of your sweet Ellie!!!
    Heart Hugs to you~
    Julie xo

  12. fun rugs you showed in the prior post. I like that trim she used - very clever. Poor Ellie - it was a horrible experience that I hope you never have to endure again. Hope you have a great weekend coming up - Mel


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