Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wonky ~

Here I was all worried about getting all my crosses lined up straight and Kelley posts this.  An antique version of the rug I'm hooking, all wonky and wonderful.  Too late to change what I am doing . . . sigh.  I may have to hook another smaller version more like the antique.  I really am smitten.

23 of the 28 crosses on my rug have been hooked.  I will share my progress once I start on the background. 

Blogger can be frustrating at times, can't it?  Yesterday I tried to add a new blog to my sidebar but for whatever reason, it won't let me.  I'll try again later, but I'd like to give a shout out to Linda's blog.  She is a local hooker who also sells on Early Works Mercantile (15th of month) as Primitive Tymes.  If you get a minute, please stop by and say hi.  I just got this sweet little fella from her last update.  His teeth just crack me up :)  He really does have eyes, just not very visible in the picture.

Here's a close up of his face.  Not sure why there is that shadow on the bottom :(

Another blogger issue.  A few months ago I could no longer see the number of followers I had.  One day, just gone.  Well, now it's back and I did nothing.  It's the little things, right?

On a happy note, I will get to see my California son for a few days but for a very sad reason.  A friend of his died from a drug overdose.  In the county where I live (along with many other areas of the country), there is a serious opioid epidemic.  This past Monday alone, 3 county residents died as a result of drugs, including a 27 year old female attorney, who had been revived at least twice in the past with a dose of naloxone.  The epidemic knows no boundaries.  My heart breaks for the families of the deceased. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I see so many around here also, so many with babies! And where is it coming from?

  2. And there you were worrying that your crosses would be wonky...

    It's very sad for all the drug overdoses that ends up in death. It's the same in Canada. I'm sorry about your son loosing his friend. It's good that you'll be there with him for emotional support.

  3. Hi Lauren,
    So happy you are making progress on your rug and though I love the "wonky one" I know yours will be wonderful!! Your bunny is so cute and I have made them before and have some I put out each Spring! So happy you get to see your son, but not under the circumstances!! I know you will encourage him during this sad time!
    Take care, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  4. Cannot wait to see your rug. Love your bunny and just visited Linda's blog. Janice

  5. I saw Kelly's post and of you.sorry for your son's loss.

  6. I saw Kelly's post and of you.sorry for your son's loss.

  7. That bunny is so fun, love his face.
    I am sorry for your son's loss and it is an epidemic and it needs to stop, especially with doctors who actually give those meds to people who should not have them.


  8. What a fun bunny! so sad about your son's friend it is awful here and the little babies are really the losers. so sad.

  9. See there ya go getting all worried about how perfect your crosses will be lined up and we all love the imperfect antiques.

    Yes the epidemic is everywhere, even in Delaware. Well I can one thing with certainty, I will NOT be among them because I don't do drugs. Wine???? Yeah, that's my thing.

  10. So very sad for your son's friend. You know around here almost all the doc's offices are opiate free. My pain management doctor is opiate free. He even takes a UA to check my urine to be sure I haven't taken any opiates. I wouldn't even know where to get them.! But it's such a huge problem, children are dying, college kids and yes, professionals. But they need to come out with something safe for people in pain. I was in ER last week with pneumonia. They kept me 2 days and with all the horrible chest wrenching coughing I got a migraine, they gave me toradol, reglan and benadry, I got really good relief. They do not use narcotics anymore. They used to give me dilaudid which is so dangerous. I never had any issues with it but I'm sure Toradol isn't completely safe either but much safer than the dilaudid. I am in chronic pain every day with migraines, herniated discs, bulging discs and a knee that has every ligament either torn or frayed. They are giving me creams now to rub on the area. It doesn't go through your body, just on the area and they are helping. I use a nebulizer with albuterol for my asthma, and for my back and knee I have a TENS unit. At first I didn't think it was helping but it has really helped. I'm also getting steroid shots in my knee and back under anesthesia. Problem with that is the weight gain, but they do work and they aren't narcotics. So I feel safer. I'm sure they can still buy them on the street though, that's what has to stop.


    ps I love your rug!

  11. I just came from Kelley's blog and saw that wonderful scrappy rug... I, too, am smitten...but know I will love yours just as well. When it comes time to actually make my work wonky and old looking, I somehow play the chicken lol. (Maybe that is why I am hesitant to get back to my Welcome Cats??) Sorry to hear about your son's tragic. Hugs ~ Robin

    1. And, yeah...about the Blogger follower thingy.... I thought it was gone forever as well...and voila! It came back. Yippee!!!

  12. Thanks for the shout out my dear and LOVE your rug it looks amazing but then all your work is!! can't wait to see it on Mon if you make it! so sorry about your son's friend and the family what a shame so sad!! there is more and more in the news every day! I hope you at least have a nice visit despite it all!! see you soon! xoxo

  13. Hello Lauren, I just discovered your blog. I googled Ann Arbor Rug Hooking April and found a post you wrote about it.. 2 days ago I took my first Punch Needle class in Elk Rapids mi. I love it.. I would like to attend this event could you please tell me when it is this year I would greatly appreciate it... another question. Have ever Punch needled directly into wool and if so can you tell me if you used a small medium or large eye. I have an Ultra Punch Needle Embroidery Set... How does one draw a pattern on Wool???? I live in West Michigan south of Ludington Mi.. thanks so much for your help, Greatly appreciated,

  14. I was reading about this just the other day and how it is wiping out our young men all across the country. I am so sorry for your son.
    I think the big pharma should be held accountable. I love the little picture of the rug Kelly posted. I am glad you got to see your son. Its always nice to see them.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend. I hope it isn't too cold.

  15. So very sad to learn of your son's friend's passing.


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