Friday, February 24, 2017

Crazy Weather ~

75* and sunny today.  February in Ohio.  Most unusual but no complaints from me.  My #2 bad boy has been out on his motorcycle almost daily.  No complaints from him, either.  Now we are having some huge thunderstorms go through.  February showers bring March ???
I picked my first daffodil buds today and they should bloom in a few days.  It is so wonderful to see things blooming.  Eranthus and snowdrops.  Look how tall the daffodil bud is at the top right.

Lenten rose (helleborus) peeking out.

#1 bad boy cleans up pretty good.  He is off to say goodbye to his friend.  Please keep his family ~ especially his mom ~ in your prayers. 
Progress on my rug.  It's moving along quickly.  The crosses were hooked with an 8.5 and the background will be an 8.5 and 9.
Just a little start on the background.  I probably have at least 6-7 different "darks" I am using.
There is still time to enter my little give-away.  You can enter here.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love when everything buds, but it will be at least another month or more for us. Your rug is coming along beautifully.


  2. No complaints on weather here either ~ in the 70's and tonight we are to also get a thunderstorm and rain. BTW, a section of daffodils have flowers on them in my yard.

  3. Not so warm here today in Ohio.. I am off to hook at the Buckeye Hooking guild, hope to meet you there some day.

  4. Glad your son made it sad the are just we have a blizzard outside..oh well...spring will be here before you know least I hope so!

  5. Hi Lauren,
    It is warmer there than here!! So funny, isn't it? We are having some 60 degree temps and rain for several days! The daffodils are one of my favorite flowers as I am a March Birthday girl and they always bloomed around that time! Happy your son made it home, but sorry for the sad circumstances of his visit!! I know you are happy to see him for even a short time!! Your rug is looking great, too!!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Heart Hugs~

  6. I love your rug!!! I'm sorry to hear about your son's friend. The epidemic is a real problem for sure. So many affected.

  7. handsome guy! love your rug. You weather is headed here we have broken records for the month of February but we still have 2-3 feet of snow on the ground. We are under a thunder storm watch tonight.

  8. Evening Lauren, your so lucky to enjoy that nice weather, snow still here. Very handsome young man, keeping in my prayers... Love your rug, very pretty.Blessings Francine.

  9. Visiting with you via Janice and Francine. I live in north GA and we have been very warm all week too. I love your rug. Such a work of "heart." Blessings to you and yours, Mildred

  10. Handsome young man for sure. Prayers for his friend's family. Your beautiful weather sounds similar to ours. Hope it isn't just a tease. Loving that rug. You've been a speed demon working on it!

  11. he sure does clean up nice! prayers for his friends family and Mom (((hugs too)))

    I started a new rug yesterday...might be very similar to yours...drawn over an old pattern on that soft linen I hate..the line, not the pattern

    the snow this morning is beautiful...

  12. That's summer heat here. Alas, we got dumped with another foot of snow on Friday...but, it's warming up again into the 40's so hopefully we will lose a bit again.... No blooms here. :o( Sending prayers for your son's so sad. Hugs ~ Robin


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