Sunday, February 19, 2017

A Little Bit of Spring ~

Happy Sunday, my friends  :)  Another beautiful day on Ohio's north coast.  Not as warm as yesterday (70*), but still sunny and mild.  My eranthis (winter aconite) is always the first to bloom . . .

 . . . along with the snowdrops, one of my favorites.  Even if winter returns (really when it returns ~ this is Ohio) they should be fine.

Now the daffodils are another story.  Here are some buds already a couple inches high.  They cannot withstand a hard freeze.

This little guy was munching away by my maple tree.  He let me get within a couple feet of him.

Progress on my rug :)  Just more than half done with the crosses.  Color is a real struggle for me.  I am trying for 28 different wools, all from pieces of wool that are no more than a few inches wide.  

I'm trying hard to keep everything aligned.  As you can see, I am not always following the lines drawn on the linen, but referring to the cross above and next to for the outer hooking.  As I said in a previous post, once I start on the background I will have a better idea if I am successful.  If not, it will just end up being a little wonky :)

As promised, here is a little give-away.  As always, the rules are simple.  Leave a comment on this post or drop me an email with give-away in the subject line.  I will draw a winner next Sunday and the winner must contact me within 3 days or I will choose another.  The winner will get their choice of a little penny mat.  Now please know that my stitches are horse-sized and not perfect like some of you out there stitch :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    So funny that it is warmer there than here in AZ! We have had LOTS of rain, so much so, that they even closed the golf course behind me!! Too much water, but I am sure it will dry soon and those golfer's will be back swinging!!
    Your rug is really nice and it looks like the crosses are lined up just fine, but as you said, you will know more as you do the background!
    Your little mats are so sweet and I don't see any horse stitches!!!
    Enjoy your week!
    Heart Hugs~

  2. You are such a generous giver! And as always you do excellent work. I'm sure you jest about yor stitches because that description sounds like mine. Loving your rug and bet once the background starts it will line up just perfect.

  3. Your rug is looking good. Anxious to see it with the background. Good way to use up left over worms.

  4. I love your rug. In Georgia my daffodils are in full bloom and Bradford Pear trees are in bloom.

  5. I've always loved Snowdrops...but no good place to plant them here.... We made it to 56 today...with sun and no wind for an amazing change....Of course the snow on the ground makes it feel a bit cooler, but it still felt AMAZING! Love your scrappy rug...quite the challenge with the colors I bet....but I know it will be beautiful. Love your little pennies...and I think we've had the horse stitch discussion already. ;o) Smiles & Sunday Hugs ~ Robin

  6. We still have about 4 feet of snow on the ground no flower could find his way though.
    love your rug.

  7. What a neat rug you are making. I just purchased some wool and plan on starting a new one myself. Would love to be included in your giveaway. Wonky stitches are what prim lovers like me like...nothing perfect inmyhouse! Janice

  8. I can't believe how Springy it is where you live. I'd love that! We did have a mildish day today so the snow melted an inch. Lol. I love your new rug. What's the background color?

  9. You got a lot done on your rug. I'm sure it will all look just fine when you're done.
    Nice signs of spring. Like Cathy at Acorn, we have lots of snow still. Spring is not even close.

    Enjoy the little signs of spring. It gives me hope.

  10. Your rug is looking good Cant wait to see it with the background. Record breaking temps here But it cant last. My stitches are always uneven when I lay it down then pick it up again Oh well linda m

  11. It is so wonderful to enjoy some nice weather finally, though we still have snow coverage, the beach areas were nice for walking on. No need to enter me, I will be making lots of my own this year, need to use up all my scrap wool pieces;)


  12. Oh I would love one of your special pieces. Thanks for the chance.


  13. i would love one of your mats.FYI I can't make perfect stitches,either!

  14. I do love me a good horse-sized stiched penny mat

  15. Horse-sized? I almost spit out my coffee. I have a horse, those stitches must be really, really big! LOL

    Your rug is looking beautiful...I love the color choices.

    I do not have a penny mat...I would very much like to be entered! Have a wonderful day!

  16. Glad to see you are having a bit of warm sun. I think we had a total of four days of cold weather and, frankly, that's not enough for me. But then I love spring and all the robins and bunnies and lovely pastel colors. Your rug is wonderful! Can't wait to see the finish on this beauty.

  17. Spring's come early to the New Mexican high desert too. If only I had daffodils... (And a penny rug.) :)

  18. Its lovely seeing all of those blooms in your garden. I love your rug and I always like wonky. I hope you have a lovely day.

  19. Enjoy reading ur blog and seeing ur pics,,,, wow sprjng ,, not here yet, soon I hope,, thanks for sprjng pics,,, love ur mat,,,,

  20. Love your little squirrel. DH thinks they are a nuisance, but I thoroughly enjoy them. The new rug will be finished in a flash!! I really like it and can't believe how fast you've gone. Sweet little penny rugs, and I love the neutral colors. Spring is in full swing here...just hope we don't get a cold snap to ruin it all.

  21. Your rug is really taking it lots. I am still hooking along on my first...a lttle discouraged with the burlap crap.
    Of course, kindly enter my name for one of your Penney mats...what a treasure. Thanks for sharing and your generosity too.
    Folk Art Hugs with Peace,

  22. I can't believe how much is growing by you already! I'm envious. Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Cute photos of the squirrel. They keep my cats and dog entertained here. Such a lovely giveaway; thank you for this opportunity.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)