Sunday, February 5, 2017

So Close ~

One of my favorite Valentine post cards. 
The little dog reminds me so much of my Ellie. 
Sure am missin' that little spitfire :(
But still not done.  I was sure I would finish this rug on Friday at Sauder, but I always underestimate how long it will take. 
Sauder as always was so much fun!!!  This is maybe our 5th year attending.  It's nice seeing familiar faces and getting to know new hookers.  And if you like to snack it was snack heaven.  I will be afraid to step on the scale in the morning.
This is what I had left to hook upon my arrival at Sauder.

At the end of the day on Friday.

So I was certain I would finish the hooking on Saturday.  Not quite.

Saturday night I did hook a bit more but still not done.

Haven't had time to work on it today.  DSO and I took a road trip today and this rug is just too cumbersome to work on in the car, but I did start a little mat.  I'll show that in another post.
I have more of Sauder to share in my next post.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Could it be that there's more socializing than hooking? Miss social Looks awesome. Glad you had fun

  2. It looks like you had a nice time and you did get lots done. I can't wait to hear all about it.

  3. Your rug looks beautiful and will be a nice one to display with your collectibles.


  4. I always underestimate the time things take too! :-) Wait a week before getting on the scale... looking forward to seeing the Sauder pics!

  5. I'm so glad you had a great time Lauren. I never got much hooking done on my Childhood Memories rug when I went to the Maritime Fibre Art Retreat a few years ago as everyone was stopping by to ask to see my rug and explain the vignettes, etc. I had to remove my frame cover every time and there was so many fibre artist whose work I wanted to see and so many people to talk to and oh yes, the snacks... and I thought that I would hook a big amount in three days because I had no calves to feed and no meal to prepare or housework to do, hah, but I enjoyed it so much.

    Your rug is looking so nice. It's good to do other enjoyable things rathe than just hooking rugs all the time though. Life is so short.

    Have a great week.

    1. Excuse all the typos. I'll never learn to slow down,

  6. Lauren - you made progress ! And, I'll bet you enjoyed your time visiting, chatting and seeing all the gorgeous projects everyone is working on !

  7. you must have been busy at Sauder doing other things like snacking, shopping andsocializing {three of my fav things to do besides hooking ;)} but, love the progress you've made! can't wait for more pics!

  8. Looks wonderful. Such a pretty rug. You are probably finished before I write this:) I need to get out my worms and once again repair Oliver damage:( Melinda

  9. I think you accomplished a lot considering we like to chit chat with fellow hookers, check out vendor goodies, etc.

    Of course you've started something new... I can't stand to be idle either and need to have something ready to go.

  10. I so love the colors you chose for this rug..and of course I so love bunnies! Janice

  11. Bet you are done with your rug by now. It is really nice. Think I like the cat best. Glad you had fun at Sauder. Lucky you to be able to attend such a nice event! Little Ellie...I know you miss her!!

  12. Hi Lauren,
    I actually think you accomplished a lot, considering you were with other like-minded women who love to CHAT, SNACK, LAUGH, AND HOOK!! So happy you had a great time and looking forward to seeing some lovely wool "eye candy!"
    Enjoy your week, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  13. You're so close! And it's such a pretty rug! Glad you had fun at Sauder!


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