Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Hurrier I Go ~

. . . the behinder I get.
There is absolutely no excuse why I am not packed and ready for Sauder.  Hooker friend Melissa is picking me up at noon thirty tomorrow.  Have I packed?  No.  Is my hooking stuff ready?  No.  Have I even decided what all I am taking to hook?  You guessed it.  No.  (But I do have my wine and snacks packed . . . grin.)  I know it will all come together and I'll be ready when she gets here, but in the mean time . . . 
I was sure I would be done with this rug before Sauder, but the hearts got me side-tracked, so I will be taking this along to finish.  I think I will also try to hook a couple more hearts.  I still better plan one more thing, just in case I am a hookin' fool.
Happy birthday to my Mom in heaven.  Today would have been her 97th birthday.  Love and miss you :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, you have got the important things packed. ;)
    I think that happens every time I am packing to go someplace. I hope you have just the best time. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. Have a safe trip.

  2. So love the muted colors of your rug. Have fun on your trip! Janice

  3. What a wonderful photo of your mom. I hope you have a wonderful time at Sauder and can't wait to see photos.


  4. You'll get it done.... first things first, huh..LOL. Have lots of laughs and some good hooking time. And take pics to share.

  5. Hi Lauren,
    I hate to pack and always put it off till the last minute, but somehow it gets done!!!
    Glad you got the snacks ready!! Don't forget the chocolate!!
    Love the rug and sounds like you have a great plan!!! Hope you and the other gals have FUN!!
    The photo of your dear mom is so sweet! I know you miss her!!!!
    Big Heart Hugs~

  6. have fun and don't drink too much wine!

  7. Don't forget to pack your camera or smart phone so you can show us pictures and an extra pair of clean underwear in case you laugh too much, lol.

    Have fun and think of us who will be hooking alone.


  8. OH I am a last-minute-packer too! makes poor Joan CRAZY! She, however, will be packed weeks ahead, all outfits carefully picked and coordinated. I hate her. {just kidding}. I'm sure whatever falls into your suitcase will be just fine, and yes, as long as you have some wool to go along with that wine....

  9. Glad you have your priorities straight with the wine before snacks, lol. Can't wait to hear (read) all about it when you get home.

  10. I've always been a last minute packer too. It just seems to be more efficient! Was glad to see you had your priorities in order, i.e. wine but, like Julie, I was worried about the chocolate. Always pack the chocolate first.

  11. Have a wonderful time! I'm sure you will be all set when it's time to go!

  12. Really very interesting and very valuable information about the Fur throw nice work.

  13. You have the snacks packed? Oh, you ARE ready to go! LOL Have a wonderful time!


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