Thursday, January 19, 2017

What a Mess ~

Everyone is talking of purging.  Heaven knows I have plenty I could purge, but find it so hard to part with things . . . even if I haven't used/worn/seen it in many years.  My dear mom bordered on hoarder.  It took me decades to realize it was because she was a product of the depression and had nothing as a child.  I do okay with my main living areas, but my walk up attic and basement are another story.  In all the years I've lived here (17), my basement has never been this bad.  I am not one to say, "Today, I will clean the basement."  I'm more like, "I will work for 20-30 minutes each day cleaning the basement until I am done (or get tired of it and move on to something else)."  I already have a huge pile ready to be donated (I am parting with some things).  At least there is some progress.
I got this today at Walmart for only $8.98.  It's 14 1/2" D x 12 5/8" W x 25 5/8" H.  I think it will be great to tuck in the hooking room closet (once I clean it to make room for it . . . lol).  Maybe I can get my cross stitch, punch needle, and/or wool applique stuff organized ~ or is that just wishful thinking?
Well, a Medigap and Part D prescription plan have been chosen.  It is a relief to have it done and I just hope I made wise choices.  Since I retired with a government pension (city), I had to go through this brokerage place.  I had done my research so knew what I wanted before I called to enroll.  Well, the licensed benefit person tried her best to steer me to a plan that was almost $500 a year more.  The benefits were a little better, but not $500 better!
I've been hooking but haven't made as much progress this week on my rug as I thought I would.  It is going rather quickly since I am hooking it in an 8.5 and 9 cut ~ my favorites.  I started on the other half of the rug though I am not quite finished with the first half.
Two weeks from today hooker friend Melissa and I will be heading to Sauder Village to meet up with Bobbie for a relaxing 2 days of hooking.  It is always such a fun time.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I am always trying to reorganize, lol.
    I do have the plastic drawers and they are nice to store and stackable, so good deal for extra storage.


  2. Hi Lauren, my mom was like yours and was on the verge of being a hoarder, I know she was like that since she was so poor as a child. She was always looking for a bargain and would by several of something if it were a good sale, but she always bought me and my sisters one of whatever she was buying. I miss her so much. I guess I am kinda a hoarder too, not so bad that you can't get through my house, but I can't part with things, or have a hard time parting with things. Your rug hooking project is gorgeous. hugs, Lecia

  3. Ugh, I can relate. But your post did inspire me. I have one of those plastic stand ups in my spare room. It's full of junk, buried behind more junk. I should empty it and use it for patterns

  4. I have 2 of those drawer things in my hooking/spare bedroom. I use them for my needle punch, patterns extra linen etc. I go at things like you I will clean this drawer today or this basket full of crap or this little corner. I have been doing pretty good and getting cleaned out but believe me I still have a good amount of things around me. It is just the things I had tucked away thinking I might like it again
    still loving your rug.

  5. I feel your pain! My basement is a disaster area - the worst ever. Am I purging? Or am I still accumulating... Purging takes a lot of time and dedication - I don't have either ;)
    Blessings, Patti

  6. I have two of those plastic towers with drawers for my small pieces of wool but my hooking room is a mess as it became a dumping ground because of renovations at my house. There is dust everywhere.
    I haven't pulled a hoop this week at al but I'm so glad to have some projects finished. My brother is a sweetheart to do all this work for me.

    Your rugs looks some nice. Decluttering is an ongoing thing here and I'll never get caught up.

    Hugs, Julia

  7. Wow that rug you are doing is beautiful. What a fine rug hooker you are.I also have those plastic bins.Lol Hugs Cheri

  8. It sounds so nice to have a hooking trip planned. Oh, goodness, I need to clean out my shed since I don't have a basement, but it is very hoarder like.
    I think your plan is a great one. I love your rug. Have a great weekend.

  9. That looks like excellent progress on your rug! Good going with cleaning out some of the stuff from the steps to success! :-)

  10. I have 2 of those drawer things and I need about 20 more LOL really. My Basement is my studio and it is full of treasures. I think I like lots pretty things because as a child I never had anything but hand me downs that didn't fit. I loved jewelry and never had any. My Moms friend would visit and she was always dressed nice and had beautiful jewelry and shoes.
    Now I hoard pretty dishes LOl I'm having a sale soon and it's hard to decide what to part with.
    I still want to hook a rug

  11. What fun, huh?? I have slowed a bit since it was a busy week, but still plodding forward. That rug is looking fabulous!!!

  12. Lauren, I accidentally erased your email address. But I wanted to let you know that I received your lovely mat today. It is gorgeous!!! Thank you so much, you really didn't have to do that. I love it and did a post on my blog to show it off. Thank you again, wish I could give you a hug. Sincerely, Lecia

  13. Hi Lauren,
    I just love your rug and it is looking so good!
    It is so hard when you love to collect things but it is good to try not to tackle it all at once!! Hope you have a wonderful time at Sauder!! I envy you!!!
    Enjoy your weekend, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~


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