Monday, January 16, 2017

It's Been Four Days ~

I've not heard from the winner of my give-away, so time to pick another.  My handsome assistant is not available this evening :( Congrats to Jo.  You have three days to contact me to claim the little mat.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. One persons loss is another's gain.

  2. I hope you still accept me as the winner of your giveaway, I am so busy, I work two jobs and don't get to blog like I would Like. Thanks for hosting a wonderful giveaway. My email Hugs, Lecia

  3. Me again, oh shoot, I tried to look everyday, but I missed seeing that I was the winner of your giveaway. I understand you have rules, so I missed out. Thanks for hosting a wonderful giveaaway!!! Love your talent and creations. Hugs, Lecia

  4. Congratulations to Jo, who will soon have a proddy sheep living with her made by the hands of a talented hooker.

  5. I have become obsessed with this silly Fit Bit on my arm. I have to do something or I will never hook again. :) Have a lovely week Lauren. We have some huge storms so maybe I will be back to what is important. Lots of good sitting. :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)