Sunday, January 15, 2017

Good News x 2 ~

Good news #1~
I got the results of my recent mammogram and hooray ~ NORMAL!  That has not always been the case.  I've had a several biopsies in years past but thankfully they all come back okay.
Good news #2 ~
Late last fall I had a crusty mole removed from my boob.  Diagnosis, squamous cell carcinoma.  That is the second most common type of cancer and is usually caused by exposure to the sun's harmful UV rays.  Now I've done more than my share of tanning, but these old boobs have not seen much sun :)  An excision was done and Friday I got the news that the margins are clear.  What a relief.  Scary stuff.

I'm down to crunch time to decide on my Medicare/medigap coverage.  It's so confusing, but I think I've finally made a choice.  Only time will tell if it's the right one . . . sigh.
Progress on my rug.  I'm at about the halfway point.  I like the spot on the cat's back but not the legs.  Still need to work on the bunny's ears.  I may set it aside for a couple days to work on a few "Betsy style" hearts. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. OMG that mammogram picture is hilarious. It's exactly how it feels after a mammogram... I'm so glad you had a clear bill of boob health. You bet it's scary stuff as I found out in 2002. Those squamous cell carcinoma are scary too. Now you can breath a sense of relief. Medicare sounds a bit confusing.

    Thanks again Lauren for always thinking of me. I'm doing really well as time goes on.
    Big Heart Hugs, you sweet friend.

  2. All of that is such great news!!! All great for a new year. I really like that rug. I think its coming along so nicely.
    I hope now that you got your results back, you have a wonderful new week. Thanks for sharing that Lauren.

  3. Lol, love that picture, too funny...sweet rug Lauren, have a good evening.Blessings Francine.

  4. Glade the health front is good it's always a relief!
    I just love love love your rug and if you leave the spots on the cats legs he could be puss in boots!

  5. Oh Lauren, that's such great news!! Hugs

  6. Great news Lauren! What a perfect way to start a new year. The rug looks really good. We chose the Freedom Blue advantage plan with co-pays after much calculating. The money we save on monthly premiums, put into a savings account, has built up over two years and will take care of any co-pays+. Not an easy decision is it?

  7. YAY great news on the boob front.. no pun intended. the "C" word scares the heck out of everyone so I am happy to hear you are good.
    Rug is looking good too..

  8. Always good to have them removed before they get worse. I am fair skinned so I am prone to moles, time for me to go to a specialist to be safe.


  9. Lauren , such good news. I think waiting for results is the worst. Your rug is looking beautiful. Hugs cheri

  10. I hope you and yours had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and are having a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. May we display your linked header on our new site directory, As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the linked header will attract more attention.

  11. Congratulations! Wonderful news! Love the cartoon...true stuff. LOL

    Your rug is so beautiful. It does look a little like the kitty is wearing knee socks. Is that look you were going for? Probably not. LOL Whatever you decide will be perfect.

    Have a wonderful week!

  12. Funny photo. Congratulations on good news for both. Your rug is coming along nicely and you will surely beat me to the finish line. I chose Standard Life Health Insurance as my secondary.

  13. Love your rug progress. So glad you got good news all around. I'm sure it's a relief!

  14. Oh Lauren so very happy all is well.
    your rug is coming a long great still no loops pulled yet.

  15. Thank God Lauren all the results were good!!!!!

  16. Wonderfully good news, Lauren. Hope you chose the right plan...what a chore. We are spared that as our former employer provides our coverage...and then we have Tricare. Living the have really moved along with it!!!

  17. I will do my 'Happy Dance' for you, if you don't mind. Wonderful news and of course your rug is looking sweet.
    Thanks for your comments too...

    As always Peace &
    "God Bless America",

  18. Happy to hear your good news! Glad your mammogram and tissue tests came back normal and. Wish you continuous good health!
    On the other hand, I agree with you! Medicare and Medigap planning can be very confusing. With all the choices you need to make, it can be very overwhelming! I find some helpful information about Medicare supplement plans at, hope it could help you too. Best wishes and good luck!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)