Thursday, January 12, 2017

A New Book & a Winner ~

In April, a new book is coming out by Polly Minick and Laurie Simpson.  Two sisters, one a hooker (Polly) and one a quilter (Laurie).  They've collaborated on other books and they are wonderful.  Lots of quilting and hooking inspiration.  I'm sure this one will not disappoint.
Email Polly to pre-order.  She just needs your name, address and email.  The $34.99 (plus shipping, I presume) will be due when the book is shipped.
Here's the best part ~ ~ ~ if you pre-order with Polly by April 1st, you will be entered into a drawing for a quilt from Laurie or a hooked rug from Polly.  Now that's cool :)

I  had my trusty assistant Jake pick the give-away winner.

Congrats to Farmhouse Prims.  You have three days to contact me to claim your win.
I hope to have another give-away soon :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Congratulations Farmhouse Prims!!!!!!!!! I remember when you did the proddy for that and wondered if you wanted to keep the wooden feet. Sheesh, seems so long ago.

  2. Congrats to the winner!!!!! I would love that nook, love blue and white. Jake is so cute,Hugs Francine.

  3. It was a book of Polly Minick's that got me started hooking.

  4. I have a couple of their books, love how they both add designs to the book since I hook and quilt.


  5. Congratulations to the winner. Jake looks so handsome.
    Have a great weekend. Hugs, Julia

  6. Good morning, Lauren! That's a fine looking assistant you have there. I love his smile. Congratulations to Farmhouse Prim! I like the idea of "Living with Textiles You Love". Nice...and the blues are so pretty.

  7. I have all of their books too. I am so glad they are writing a new one. Congrats to your winner.

  8. Love the blue and white pretty! They do have really cool books!

  9. That is one cute assistant, even if he didn't draw me!

  10. Hi Lauren,
    Congrats to Lecia for winning!! Jake is THE PERFECT assistant! The new book looks amazing and blue and white is such a lovely combination!! Hope you are staying warm and I KNOW you are enjoying not having to venture out if you don't have to!!!
    Heart Hugs~


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)