Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Still Time ~

You still have time to enter my give-away.  Leave a comment HERE (if the link is not working, it's the posting dated January 6) or send me an email with give-away in the subject line by tomorrow evening.  I forgot to mention that the winner must contact me within 3 days or I will choose another.       
Progress has been made on my rug.  I am using 6 or 8 different darks for the background.  The ears don't look too bad in the picture, but in person they look terrible.  Not sure what I am going to do.  Maybe the back ear needs to be hooked in a darker color and the beauty line removed???  (It already is a different wool but maybe too similar?)  Suggestions?
Oh, my goodness.  My computer has gone bonkers.  There was an automatic restart because of some updates, and now my enter key won't work.  Have you any idea how hard it is to type without an enter key? 
Just restarted again and now it's working.  WTH?
Only three weeks until the annual hooking retreat at Sauder Village.  What fun spending time with bestie hookers Melissa and Bobbie and 57 others.  It's always a nice winter break. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I'm glad your computer is working properly again. Strange about the enter key...
    Your bunny's ears looks fine to me, Can't see anything wrong but if you're not happy perhaps the Queen of Tweak can help you.

    You got a lot done. Oh Sauder, I can only dream.

  2. I haven't pulled one loop in the new year. I need to get something going as I am going to a hook in in a couple of weeks

  3. Good morning! Hmmm, bunny looks fine from here, too. But, if you don't like the ears, they must be changed. LOL

    My computer tried to do some weird update last evening, not on my regular schedule. Every time Microsoft tries to make things "better", it just annoys me. I have an older computer that really can't take more updates. LOL One time, it updated my mouse "away". Not sure where they sent it, but I had to take the entire laptop in for repair. Sigh.

  4. For the heck of it lay a darker grey between the ears and see what it looks like to you before pulling out the whole ear in the back. You could also use one of the colors in the flower stem to the right maybe. Of course what you see and what my monitor shows is probably way different.

    Glad your computer is working okay again.

  5. On your bunny ears, I'm wondering if it's kinda the shape that's off?? Maybe more of both the same color with a shadow in the middle & lighter for the mid part of the ear??

  6. Wow, I'm really loving this rug


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