Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday Quickie ~

Just a quick post to let you know all is well.  Just busy, busy with my son being here.  We celebrated his Christmas yesterday.  I am so thankful to have him home for a few days.  {{Of course I will still send him a small box just before Christmas.}} He is flying home on Tuesday with a couple pumpkin rolls so he will be a happy camper.
LA Bill, as he is affectionately known, is on the left.  My #2 son "J" is obviously the guy on the right.  He's putting on his "winter face" since he sometimes has to work outside here in northern Ohio.  Of course that is grandson Jake in the middle. 
Modeling my son's company hoodies.  I wish I had pulled mine down.  He gave me mine when we were in California.
This is the little mat I need to get hooked and bound in the next week.  It is a freebie by Kelley Belfast from a few years ago. 
I will be using this color palette, me thinks.
Still have shopping and wrapping to do, but the decorating is mostly done.  A few Christmas letters need to be written.  Overall, I have never been this ready for Christmas so early in December.  It feels so good!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I bet you were grinning from ear to ear with all your boys around. Good for you for being ahead of the game at this point. Me.....not so much - but vacation starts soon so I'll get busy

  2. Am sure you are in heaven with your big boys home together. Great sweatshirt and a fond reminder of the magnificent and challenging work your son does.

    Am looking forward to seeing what you do with that cute freebie Kelley offered up.

  3. Good for you Lauren for being Christmas ready so early. I still have some shopping, wrapping and baking and decorating to do. Not ready at all... by a long shot.

    Great photo of your favorite boys. Enjoy your time together.

  4. Hi Lauren,
    So happy your son got to come and visit with you! Great picture of the 3 handsome guys!!!
    Sweet rug pattern that will look great in those colors! I still have much to do since I had my update in between decorating and wrapping, but we women are multi-taskers, right? Now WHERE did I put that tape???
    Take care and enjoy the rest of your visit!
    Christmas Hugs~

  5. Jake is no longer little! Glad you got to visit again. I like the color palette. As for wrapping, I fold tissue paper over the item and throw it in the big kraft bag with handles. All for kids, they don't really care!

  6. Know you are loving having all your guys together! Lucky you being all ready and even finding time to hook. Enjoy!

  7. Retirement suits you well !!!!!!
    That's a good looking bunch of boys.
    Enjoy !

  8. How nice Lauren. I bet you have enjoyed yourself so much. That is a very nice group of men.
    Your little mat is going to be wonderful. That is so awesome you are almost finished. I think I am finished.

  9. so nice you had time with your son! beautiful rug pattern! in Jan maybe we could get together and hook, i would love it

  10. Isn't wonderful to spend time with your boy? There is just something special about a mom with her son...Mine will be here in a month. I am counting the days!

    Love those colors, perfect!

  11. Always wonderful to be with family, I love to spend time with my Son too. Love your little mat Lauren, so sweet.Blessings Francine.


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