Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Progress ~

Wouldn't this make a great rug
for a fine cut hooker? 

I started my little hooked mat yesterday and got all four corners done and two of the little tongues.  I thought I'd get much more done today, but we sat and watched Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation.  I can't believe the movie is 27 years old!  I hook super slow when I am watching something on the tube.  Oh well, a little progress (very little) is better than none.
I had to say goodbye to my son today.  Even though he's 37, it still is hard.  He should be landing in LA in a couple hours.  It was wonderful having him home for almost a week.  I am thankful for the time we had together.
Well, gift wrapping is still on today's list so I need to get a few done.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love those colors! Sorry your son had such a short visit but I'm sure you made the most of it

  2. I really love this rug. These are my colours! It's going to be beautiful!

  3. You are hooking that rug so fast! it is sad when the kids leave no matter how old they are.

  4. I'm sorry that your son had to go back so soon but at least you had him for a week. I still have a lot of wrapping to do and even gift buying to do. I never learn. Each year after Christmas, I say I'll be ready early next year but I wait till the last minute every time.

    I think that you hooked quite a lot on that little rug. I love those prim colors.
    Snowing again here today. ☹

    Take care and stay safe. Hugs,

  5. Very nice. I think that you are pretty darn fast! LOL I love the Chevy Chase vacation movies...I've been on road trips where it becomes all about the EXPERIENCE. LOL

  6. Great progress. I'm the same as you when watching a movie. Actually, even at rug camp when I'm talking to someone I look at them....AND, when they talk to me I look at them.

    Guess you'll be making another road trip or fly to visit your son in the summer of 2017.

  7. beautiful rug! I'm surely not the fastest hooker either, but all good things take time ;)

  8. Hi Lauren,
    So happy you had a lovely, though too short, visit with your son!! Do I see another road trip in your future??
    The rug is so pretty and love the colors!!
    I do lots or work when I am watching TV as well, so it does slow one down a bit, but then helps you take breaks, too!! All good!
    Enjoy your week, my friend!
    Merry, Merry and Ho Ho Ho!
    Christmas Hugs~

  9. I love your mat! It looks so nice. My daughter is almost 36 and I still have a hard time saying goodbye and I will always I think.
    It is nice having them home. I don't know what I would do without face time.
    I hope you have a lovely day, Keep hooking, you are my inspiration.

  10. saw this on FB - very cute ! glad you had your DS home for a week - that's wonderful, quite the climate change from OH to LA but I'm sure he loved being there. Cheers Mel

  11. Love your rug progress! I think it's always hard to have your kids living so far away from you. I'm glad you had a week with your son to enjoy.

  12. Morning, I love the rug, your hooking fast my friend.hugs Francine.

  13. Just love the colors in this little mat. Know it must have been really hard to see your son leave.

  14. Lauren, I sat here and read post after post and got caught up with your life. i am glad your son came out to visit. It sounds like you had fun. It is kind of melancholy at Christmas when you miss those little sweeties you lost. Don't feel bad Your not the only one who has shared some tears near Christmas. I loved all your cards and ornaments! Hugs and have a beautiful Christmas,cheri


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