Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Not Sure How it Happened ~

Am I really turning 65 in a few short months?  How did that happen?  I guess I am now a senior citizen.  ARGH!!!  Almost daily I am getting solicitations in the mail from companies trying to sell me insurance.  Medicare is sending me things.  OPERS (kind of like government "Social Security") is sending me things.  I am so confused.  Do I want Medicare and Medicap coverage?  An advantage plan?  Holey moley it's confusing.  Today I met with a volunteer from the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program.  She is certified through the state but is strictly a volunteer.  She spent two hours explaining things to me and even followed up already by phone on a prescription issue.  Now it's time for me to do some research and make some decisions. 
Last weekend I headed out to play in Seville, Ohio.  Seville Antiques is a wonderful primitive shop.  Most of the antiques are too "primitive" for my style (and too expensive), but sometimes I manage to find a treasure or two.  I added a new stuffed pug to my collection.  Now I have triplets.  (The pug to the left was a gift from Joanne who used to blog at Snippets and Scraps of my Mind.  It was a kit that I never got around to sewing.  It sat in my closet for many years and was beautifully sewn by Melinda of Merry Wind Farm.)
Don't they just have the sweetest face?  Just like the real thing . . . sigh.
I also got a strap of old sleigh bells from Tweedthistle Primitives (Gabriella can be found on Facebook) that will be put to good use at TubaChristmas ~ a Christmas tradition for DSO, grandson Jake and me.
Tomorrow's the day my #1 bad boy arrives from California.  I have to pick him up at the airport bright and early but I'm not complaining.  It will be so nice to spend time with him.  Both my boys have grown up to be fine men!!!  What more could a mom ask for?
Thank you so much for all your comments on my last blog post.  It warms my heart how kind and sweet you all are.  Sorry I did not respond to each of your personally, but life (and decorating) has gotten in the way.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Enjoy your son's visit. Love your pugs so sweet.
    I can not wait to retire I just wish I didn't have to get older for it to happen

  2. That is a fun collection, I have the cats and I do have several that need to be sewed, so afraid of messing it up, lol. Time to do mine. I have also been collecting cat door stoppers, but those are harder to find and I only get ones I can afford, so it is fun to look. I hope you have a wonderful time with your sons, will be nice to be together for the holidays.


  3. Love the pugs lining your staircase. Enjoy your visit with your son.

  4. I love your pug collection. Do you have names for each one of them? What a great place to display them.
    Funny how the years creeps up on us.
    I wish I was still 65, I just turned 70 on Nov 27. I wish I was 27 maybe... I might be a bit wiser the second time around...

    Wishing you a wonderful visit with your son. Enjoy all these special moments. Season's greetings.

  5. Oh, a "son" visit! Nothing better than that!! Mine will be here in January...sigh...already counting the days.

    Your pugs are so cute. I don't know anyone who doesn't like their little squished face! LOL

  6. oh those pugs! loving how you have them displayed on your steps ~ as soon as I turned 50 'they' started offering me AARP!

  7. Hi Lauren,
    Yes, those years just seem to fly by and yet we still feel like we are 29, at least in mind, if not in body!!! lol
    Love that pug collection and they are so sweet marching up the stairs!!!
    Hope you enjoy your visit with your son!!!
    Have a great week!
    Heart Hugs~

  8. When my hubby turned 60, he started receiving a golf magazine and a cigar magazine in the mail - totally unsolicited! He enjoys neither so they go straight in the trash, but it's kinda funny. Have you been watching The Crown on Netflix? The Royals have these same little pug pillows on their sofa - I thought of you when I saw them....

  9. I received all those at your age too. But now I'm receiving information about burial expenses ~ talk about a chilling piece of mail to get. Don't they know I've too much wool to use before I croak? lol.

  10. Its around the corner for me. It sure gets here fast doesn't it?
    I love your little pillows. They look so nice.
    I hope you have a lovely birthday and how nice your son is coming home. I know you will have such a nice time and a nice visit.

  11. Enjoy your son's visit. Went through those decisions and took Freedom Blue Advantage (PA). Saves us $125 a month so I set that aside and use it for co-pays and such if needed.

  12. Soak up the time with your son over the holidays and forget about the rest for now.

  13. Can you tell I'm behind in blog reading? lol! Good luck with all that stuff that comes with turning 65. Isn't it weird to be an age you always think is way in the future?


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)