Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Big Tree ~

I don't know why, but I always save the big tree for last.  Last of the decorations to go up and last to come down.  My tree does not have a theme.  It is a hodge podge of ornaments.  Ornaments made by my niece 40+ years ago.  Those made by my boys 30+ years ago.  A couple ornaments made by my grandson Jake.  This year I had a really hard time putting up some of the ornaments.  My mom did beautiful ceramic work and I have many ornaments she made.  Then I came upon a few friend Judy (Ellie's mom) had given me over the years.  Remnants of ornaments still saved from when the tree came crashing down a few years ago.  I was feeling very melancholy.  Then I found a Santa ornament DSO had bought in Alaska, and on the bottom was written "from Loocie 2010".  Well, I lost it.  It's been about 8 months since Loocie unexpectedly died.  We still cannot believe it.  Ellie was hard enough, but the double whammy of losing Loocie so soon afterward is still more than we can bear.  Then I came upon the ornament my brother had made for me.  A picture of Loocie and on the back it said "Merry Christmas 2015".  I just started to sob.  Anyone who has lost a beloved pet surely understands :(

In addition to decorating, I've been binding two small mats.  Still need to cut some fresh greens.  Write cards.  Grocery shop.  All before my son arrives early Thursday morning.  I'm so excited to have him home for a few days.  It will be wonderful to celebrate Christmas with him even if not on Christmas day. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Totally understand the emotion. Very nice tree and a wonderful wagon.

  2. I did the same thing when I hung my Sadie's ornament and she has been gone for 3 years.

  3. They surely do take a piece of our hearts, don't they? But I do love a memory tree!!

  4. Love your tree and the decor, looks wonderful. We saw a lot of sleds at the store today, but a bit pricey and i can't put up a big tree till the animals calm down, like that will ever happen.


  5. Your tree looks beautiful, Lauren as does your living room. Cute little ornament of Loocie!

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Your tree is beautiful and filled with so many memories!! Sometimes we just need to cry and remember those precious love ones!! Such a sweet ornament of Loocie for you to treasure!
    Your wagon is amazing!!!
    Hope you have a wonderful time with your son!!
    Sending Big Heart Hugs~

  7. Your tree looks great. Love bringing out the old ornaments each year...all those memories. I still miss the two dogs that I grew up with...especially a wire haired fox terrier that was one special dog. Enjoy you visit with your son.

  8. I know exactly how you feel.By the way,love your tree!

  9. Lauren, your tree looks so lovely and special. I'm probably to blame for your emotional state as you have been so much there for me when I was a sobbing mess myself.

    Last week I was an absolute emotional mess and I blame it on my biorhythm being on the low scale. This week finds me stronger emotionally.

    I understand the pain of loosing dear pets as I was inconsolable myself when I had to part with my beloved cats.

    Wishing you strength and comfort at this special time of year.
    Love and Warm Hugs,

  10. Oh Lauren, I love the tree with blue and white quilt underneath it, looks so country!!!! Always miss our beloved pets, the ache never leaves the heart.Hugs Francine.

  11. a beautiful, memory-filled tree! the holidays are hard when our friends, fur-friends and family are no longer with us ~ hugs & merry merry to you!

  12. What a love tree filled with years of memories. I'm right along with you on the binding projects except my two are a bit bigger than yours....sigh.

  13. so many memories come pouring out at Christmas. Love your tree and the vintage wagon - hope you enjoy the season now that all the work is done and may you only have joy for the rest of the season - Mel

  14. Our tree was always a group project, just my son and I, but definitely a project. LOL I won't see him until mid-January, but I've already picked up a turkey. We don't care what day we celebrate, just so we are together.

    I lost a rottie about 15 years took a long time to move on. Even now, I remember how much he loved me. Sigh. My current rottie is 7, already starting to grey. I've had him since he was 8 weeks old. I will be lost when he is gone. As my husband says, I am his favorite human. You can't ask to be much more special than that...

  15. Aww, hugs Lauren. It's so hard. I still miss Millie 💔

  16. I understand what you are sharing. Ten years ago we lost our 19 year old pup. We still hang a tennis ball on the Christmas tree and I still cry.
    Beautiful tree !

  17. Lauren, Sending you hugs! So many memories, it's a difficult time of year for many who are missing loved ones! I hope you have some time to sit in your chair, enjoying your tree & lights & reflecting on all your past memories with your beloved fur babies! Merry Christmas, enjoy the time with your son!

  18. Your tree is wonderful! Of course it's hard to see that decoration without some sadness. But it's such a good way to keep your memories. Enjoy the time with your son!


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