Thursday, December 29, 2016

Caught Up ~


It's rare when I can say I am caught up with my binding.  I finally finished Ned and even got the label sewn on.  It just needs a final steaming.  Still nothing on my frame . . . hopefully soon ~ very soon.

The gold is not bright at all in person.

Yesterday I drove almost 2 1/2 hours south to Delaware, Ohio, to visit dear college friend Wink and her beau.  It's been a year so it was very good to visit with them.  I got a belated birthday present and ones for Christmas, too.  She spoiled me for sure.  The old rabbit mold was my birthday present and the vintage pin cushions were for Christmas. 

We only had time to hit one antique shop but what a wonderful shop it was.  I could have done some serious damage but only came home with two things.  A great piece of blue homespun and a featheredge platter.  Now I need another platter like I need another hole in my head, but the price was just too good to pass up.

It has such a beautiful edge.

She also gave me a Kohl's gift card and an applique pattern.  And of course a couple shot glasses to add to my collection. 
The shot glass collection is in retaliation for the salt and pepper collection.  I have been gifting her with S & Ps for more than 30 years.  They have to be cheap and tacky to qualify :)
Today is the first day in many I have been home and I am just frittering it away.  I wish I'd accomplish more, but it feels kind of good just to be doing "stuff".
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Afternoon Lauren, Ned looks great!!! The dish is so pretty, The blue edge is so beautiful, good finds... Blessings Francine.

  2. You have paid your dues and earned the right to fritter away your day if you want. Isn't retirement wonderful!

  3. What a nice day. I think our giving of shot glasses and salt and pepper shakers is such a hoot. Ned is wonderful. I am glad you are "frittering" today. Its a good day for it. I drew out two huge rugs today. I am excited about picking up my hook after being awol for a month.
    You always do such fun things Lauren. Have a lovely 2017

  4. Ned is a great Ice to be caught up. I have been cleaning, rearranging and frittering, too. Must be an after Christmas thing...LOL.

  5. Lauren, I've been frittering away too. It must be what old ladies do in between Holidays. lol...

    Your Ned looks great and good for you to have it all bound and labeled already. Go ahead and fritt. away.

    Love that platter and the little bunny mold.

    We have another storm on the way. I'm already tired of winter as it's slippery everywhere.

  6. Great fun gifts and it. Well heck, just posted about binding rugs and you have beat me to the finish. Love you and lucky you to have your rugs all bound.

  7. LOL at cheap and tacky. Aren't those the funnest (?) kind of gifts to get from friends and family? Seriously, I would shop each year for boxers for my son. I would always find the most obnoxious and colorful pairs. At 18, he was still getting Sponge Bob Squarepants and Superman patterns. The look on his face made it all worth it! LOL

    Ned is perfect! And you have earned the right to fritter away. Sometimes, the most amazing things happen when you are just frittering around. LOL Have a wonderful evening.

  8. sounds wonderful. I took today off to be with Miss B but we are in the middle of a raging snow storm so I didn't get to see her.

  9. Sometimes it's those frittering days that are the most therapeutic! You'll be recharged and ready for more visiting and hooking and antiqueing and... :-)

  10. Ned is a fine specimen!
    Frittering is wonderful ;)

  11. Ned is wonderful! Love the pretty blue edging on the platter. Happy New Year! Hope 2017 is good to you!

  12. Sounds like you had a very nice visit with your friend - and got some good retail therapy in too! Win-win! Love the way Ned turned out - can't wait to see what you'll hook next!

  13. I love Ned!!! Woo hoo on the finishing...I remember the days when I threatened that I would to your binding for you...Look at you go...Always the good twin. ;o) Now, if I only had finished a rug to bind in the past ummm (not-to-be-mentioned) years??? Hopefully, that, too, will change. Love the bunny mold!! Will it to me please on the offside chance I survive you??? Love the shot glasses... Ha ha.... You better I hope I don't remember that next time I go junking. Happy New Year's GF.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

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