Saturday, December 31, 2016

Wild and Crazy ~

Can you believe another year is coming to a close?  These years are passing much too quickly. Remember in 1999 as we were approaching the new millennium all the computer problems that were predicted?  Some thought our world would come crashing down.  And tomorrow it will be 2017.  In an eye blink.  WOW!
Normally on New Year's Eve, I prefer to stay home and just relax.  Maybe drink a little wine, hook a little and watch a little tube.  This year I decided I'd like to go out.  Call me crazy.  My idea of eating out on NYE ~
Little cheeseburger with tomatoes, grilled onions, grilled jalapenos and light ketchup ~ YUM!  And don't forget the fries :)  That way we can get home and still have time to drink a little wine, hook a little and watch a little tube.  We are currently watching The Man in the High Castle, an Amazon Prime series.  It is riveting!
Speaking of hooking, tonight I will start on My Garden by Woolen Memories.  The pattern size is 22" x 43" which will be the largest pattern I've hooked to date.  I'm not convinced this is what I really want on my frame, but I must start on something!
I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for taking the time out of your busy lives to read my blog.  Your comments and emails are much appreciated.  You make it all worthwhile.
My wish to you is health, happiness and prosperity in 2017.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    I think your evening sounds perfect, AND yummy!
    Enjoy each moment and I think your new rug is wonderful!! Thank you so much for your sweet friendship, blog visits and even a personal visit this past year!! Wishing you many special blessings for 2017!
    Heart Hugs to you~

  2. You have been such a blessing to my 2016 in fact, what kept me sane this year would be you and your kind listening ear. So thank you for that.
    I wish you the best in 2017 and I hope you get your lovely hamburger. Your new rug pattern looks wonderful. Happy New Year!

  3. It's 4:30 and I'm already in my jammies, nestled under my comforter on our cozy couch, drinking a cup of tea and visiting my dear blogging friends. Hope 2017 is good to you and yours! Enjoy your burger...and fries! Jump on in and start that big ole' rug!
    Sending a Happy New Year hug your way,

  4. It's 4:30 and I'm already in my jammies, nestled under my comforter on our cozy couch, drinking a cup of tea and visiting my dear blogging friends. Hope 2017 is good to you and yours! Enjoy your burger...and fries! Jump on in and start that big ole' rug!
    Sending a Happy New Year hug your way,

  5. Happy New Year! I love reading rug hooking bloggers even though I don't blog myself. I am starting my biggest rug to date (Christmas gift from hubby) 23 x 49, the pattern is vertical so hope it won't be too much of a hassle, guess I need to work top to bottom. Be looking forward to your progress through out the year on your pattern. I'm sure you'll finish yours first.

  6. I really enjoy visiting with you thru your blog. I wish you only the best for 2017 and your first full year of retirement.

  7. Dear Lauren, your New Year Eve's plan sounds perfect... I'm just sitting here by myself and that's not so exciting and I have nothing on the frame yet.

    Your rug is a biggie but I know you'll get that done in no time. It's a nice one.

    Enjoy your quiet evening with wine, hook and tube.
    Happy New Year.
    PS, thanks so much for the thoughtful card. What a surprise. You're a rare treasure.

  8. Almost as big as the one I'm working on. Your blog is a highlight for my day and enjoy reading yours. I'm not leaving my house even for a burger. My dinner will be pasta sauce over a zuchinni veggie mix topped with pasta sauce. Oh, and I already have a glass of red by my side and will be in bed before 10 p.m.

  9. Oops, I repeated myself as I didn't proof read it. Took a break to check out what Amazon Prime Time was then went back to writing my comment. So duplicated my words....DUH.

  10. Best wishes to you Lauren! I had a hankering to go out this year too but mine was for Dairy Queen. They were closed.

  11. Happy New Year Lauren. I can believe how fast this year flew by. I hope 2017 brings you nothing but joy

  12. Happy New Year, Lauren!! I will be in my jammies in less that an hour and will knitting. Yep, we are party animals.

    Thank YOU for inviting all of us into your life. I don't hook, but love to see your projects and hear a bit about your day. Get ready 2017, we are on our way! LOL

  13. I spending my NYE watching Law and Order SVUand knitting. Any now a little wine. Love 5 guys burgers! Happy New Year🎉🎉

  14. I spending my NYE watching Law and Order SVUand knitting. Any now a little wine. Love 5 guys burgers! Happy New Year🎉🎉

  15. Happy New Year Lauren!!! All the best, He gas Francine.

  16. Reading the comments above, I think several have already cheered in the new year lol...or turned off spell check... I have never had a 5 Guys burger...but the Mr. raves about them. Put that on my bucket list. And, oh...I remember Y2K vividly... I can't tell you how many files were backed up every which way from Sunday at know, "just in case." Wow...17 years ago.... Amazing.... Well, back to the Twilight Zone... Can you believe I actually saw an episode I had NEVER seen before in the how many every years I've been spending my NYE watching it??? Woo hoo! This year's gotta be good. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  17. Five Guys burgers and fries are my favorite comfort food! Always have a delicious meal there! Good choice for a rug start.... I've had my eye on that pattern for awhile. Looking forward to seeing your progress! Happy New Year!

  18. Had an evening similar to yours. Early dinner out, home to doggies, Jammie's, Netflix and knitting. Went back and found the beginning of Man in the High Castle and starting watching it last night. Thx for the recommendation!! Love the new rug. Thanks for such a warm and inviting blog!! And your blogger means a lot!

  19. It’s really a great and helpful piece of information. I am happy that you simply shared this helpful information with us.



Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)