Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Two Days After ~

I can't believe that Christmas has come and gone.  Christmas day was relatively quiet but enjoyable.  I shared it with my son, grandson, older brother and his DSO.  My poor DSO has been sick for days.  He finally went to a walk in clinic this afternoon and he has sinusitis.  He is absolutely miserable, but thankfully it is nothing more serious.
I know many of you have all your Christmas put away, but not me.  I will savor it a few more days and begin to take it down after the new year arrives.  I can't believe I didn't post many pictures of the house, so here are a few.  I have some great pictures taken on my iPad but can't figure out how to download them to the desktop.  I suppose I could try blogging from my iPad, but that just frustrates me. 
This little tree has mostly vintage cotton batting and chenille ornaments.  The white chenille stars are repros.
My kitchen tree decorated with old figural lightbulbs.
Santa tree in the dining room.  Rug pattern by Maria Barton of Star Rug Company.
The bear to the left is my blind antique bear.
Vintage celluloid Santas and reindeer and bottle brush trees.
Mostly vintage (and a few reproduction) cotton batting Santas.
On the mantle.
Just a few of my salt glazed Santas in a wall box.
Plastic snowmen from the 50's?
Old childrens' shoes.

Took a quick trip to the antique mall in Norwalk, Ohio today.  Got this paper mache Santa who has seen better days, but for the price, I could not resist.

I still don't have anything on my frame . . . sigh.  I think I'm going through withdrawal :)  God knows I have plenty of patterns to choose from.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. my daughter called to tell me that the christmas was gone from her house:( I am leaving it up until after the new year and then I will slowly take it down. I love having it all around me when the nights are so dark and cold.
    As I said before I love your decorations Lauren.
    Jake is all grown up:(
    hope your DSO feels better soon.

  2. I too will leave Christmas up until after New Years. Perfect project for New Years Day in my book. The house seems clean afterwards but also sort of naked.

    I have not picked up my hook in weeks or used my sewing machine. Doing hand quilting and that is about it. Not sure what my issue is.

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  3. Everything looks so nice, Lauren. Glad you had a quiet Christmas...mine was loud and packed!! Whew....I was happy when I had some quiet time. Jake sure is getting big! He looks like a preteen now!! They grow up way too fast. Hope Fritz gets to feeling better!! TAke care...see you in a few weeks!!

  4. Your Christmas decors looks lovely. It's so much work getting it all out, there nothing wrong with leaving it out a bit longer.

    Our Christmas was busy and noisy with 18 for Christmas dinner. We had a wonderful time but after the house emptied, I was feeling a deep void with my daughter no longer with us.

    Sorry to hear about you DSO being under the weather. Speedy recovery to him.
    MHappy New Year.

  5. Santa tree is my favorite but I also saw your Facebook post and holy cow. What collections you have girl! the big tree is beautiful too. Now I see why you had so many bins to unpack.

  6. Love your decorations and the tree in the bucket. I went to walmart and they didn't have any at mine. I hope everyone is feeling better, I think everyone was sick this season.


  7. Looks like a wonderful Christmas! I'll be leaving Christmas decorations around the house until New Year's Day... then I'll tuck it all away. I just love how Christmas makes the house feel like a cozy little home! :-)

  8. Healthy wishes to your DSO.
    We are ready to bring in a New Year !

  9. I used to get sinusitis a LOT. It is horrible and hope I never have another bout with it. You could alwasy choose to send yourself a couple pictures at a time from your iPad, open them up on your PC and save them to a flash drive where you could access them at any given moment.

  10. Merry, Merry, my friend... And oh how I adore your incredible collections... I don't know which I envy the most LOL.... I don't think I have even seen a single vintage chenille or batting Santa at any shop or show I've been to...I'm sure they are on Ebay, but I truly try to stay away from there for my own good. ;o) Never have ever seen the cute little plastic snowmen! Too stinking cute. I keep my Christmas up until the first or second week of January at least...Growing up, Christmas was a season...not just a day and a half holiday...We spent the weeks after Christmas visiting friends and family. That holds fond memories that I cherish and try to honor by keeping the season alive as long as I can. Smiles & Christmas Hugs ~ Robin

  11. Wow, your place looks beautiful. I don't blame you for leaving things up a little longer.

  12. Thx for the Tour of your lovely home and enviable Christmas collectibles. Do hope DSO is feeling better soon. Oh my, your brother and son look so much alike!!!

  13. Good morning, Lauren. So many beautiful ornaments and collections! When you decorate, you DECORATE!!

    I love the "blind" teddy. I have a blind "puppy" from 50 years ago. I won him at a county fair when I was 6 or 7. He and my pug slept with me. Puglet REALLY liked the puppy...spent a lot of time chewing on him. LOL I don't know why I keep him...but sweet, sweet memories...

  14. Morning Lauren, wonderful pictures, great the family shots. Your decorating is wonderful as usual, love the bears and bowl of greens with shoes, charming. Hugs Francine.

  15. Lauren since I don't have a smart phone what I do once I put my pics on my ipad with my wifi enabled camera I plug my ipad into my computer and it goes into my computer. I use part of the computer plug that you charge your computer with. I can write my blog on my ipad and then put pics From my ipad on my computer. All I have to do is add them to my blog. I don't know how to add pictures from my ipad to my blog without going thru the computer. I can add them to face book even though I don't have a smart phone. Hugs cheri

  16. Thank you for sharing valuable information nice post,I enjoyed reading this post.



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