Sunday, October 16, 2016

Trying Again ~

Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but I will try posting one more time.

Here are a few of the pics that did not disappear from our last day in LA.
Beautiful succulent . . .

. . . and wonderful vertical planters made from old pallets.

King Harbor in Redondo Beach.

From there we headed north to Cotati to visit with DSO's son Matt and d-i-l Danielle and granddogs Rocco and Olive.

Fritz spent time helping Matt with house projects.  Danielle and I spent time at a couple antique shops.  I'll share my purchases when I am home, but saw these.  What a cool idea.  Old doorknobs attached to rebar.  Great garden decor!

We left Cotati and headed to Reno.  If it wasn't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all.  We encountered heavy rains for hours and when we were passing through Donner Pass, the check tire light popped on.  (If you are not familiar with the Donner party, hence the Donner Pass, do a Google search.  Sorry I don't know how to link something on the iPad.)  Quickly pulled off to the side of the road and discovered a rear tire was losing air.  (Tire problem #3.)  Thankfully he was able to pump the tire up to pressure and found a tire store less than 10 miles down the road.  Before that we were MANY miles from a town.  We made it there and it was discovered we indeed did have a leak.  The tire gods were smiling on us since they were able to plug the tire and we could continue on our journey.

The weather finally cleared . . . 

. . . and we made it to ~

To be continued :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Looks like a fun trip, you are packing in a lot into your trip, but lots of great memories.


  2. wow your tire trouble is amazing! I hope you gambled some and won BIG

  3. Morning Lauren, what a fun trip, dispite the rainy weather, happy it changed for you. Enjoyed your pictures, love the hen and chicks.Blessings Francine.

  4. I am so glad you were able to update. I wondered how it was with the rain coming in. I am so glad you didn't get caught out in the middle of nowhere with a flat. I love your pictures.

  5. Happy trails! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hey - I grew up in Truckee and swam MANY miles in Donner Lake. Beautiful country! If you pass though SLC on your way home, you'll be a 30 minute drive from my house! Safe travels...

  7. Hi Lauren,
    So happy you could post again!! Yay!!! I can't believe how many tire issues you have had on your trip! So glad this one was an easy and quick fix! Hope you enjoy your time in Reno and continued safe travels, my friend! Oh, and how wonderful to be able to do a bit of antique shopping as well!!
    Heart Hugs~

  8. Oh yes, I'm familiar with the Donner party and the road they traveled as I did too and thought of them. Can't believe you've had so much tire problems.

  9. I love the knobs! What is it with the car's shoes? Geez. Be careful on those roads!

  10. What a great trip!! Sorry about the rain, but California needs every single drop. LOL


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