Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Reno & Salt Lake City ~

I'm not much of a gambler, but I figured since I was in Reno, I had to gamble.  I was prepared to lose a yard of wool ($20) . . . lol :). I know, big spender.  I played the penny machine and hadn't a clue why I was winning or losing.  The minimum bet, even though a penny machine, was 30 cents up to a $1.20.  I usually just bet the minimum and was pleasantly surprised when I ended up winning on the first $5.  

With my second $5 I ended up with only 10 cents, but on the third $5 I again won just over $30.  I decided to take my money and run.

From Reno we headed to Salt Lake City.  

Around Temple Square ~

We missed the Mormom Tabernacle Choir perform Sunday morning, but did hear the organ recital at the Tabernacle that afternoon.  Wonderful!

Many flowers were still blooming.

Very interesting how the leaves were drying from the outer edges in.

Still more to share from Salt Lake City.

We are currently in Davenport, IA, and will be home tomorrow.  It has been an amazing trip but it will be good to get home.  We've travelled over 5000 miles and still have about 450 more to go.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lucky you, I am not a gambler, but fun to bet a small amount and nice when you win a bit more;)


  2. Smart lady at the gambling table.
    So now you're a gambler and a hooker????
    Be safe on your last leg of your journey!

  3. Congrats on your winnings! Looks like it's a free half yard of wool? ;-) Beautiful flowers... have a safe return home!

  4. Wow. Love the photos! And congrats on your winnings! 😊 Safe travels.

  5. wow those temples are so beautiful!
    safe trip home.

  6. I'm not a gamble either and when I took my mother and step-father to a casino in New Jersey, that was my limit for a loss as well. But then I wasn't a hooker so didn't relate that to a yard of wool.

  7. You sound like me... $20, win or loose. If I win, I quit, take my $ and run. I know that wonderful feeling when you are heading for home...it's like the icing on the cake. Keep on enjoying and keep safe too.

    Tonight will be a BIG night if ya all know what I mean.

    Peace and God Bless America,

  8. Wow so proud of you, you walked away with your money now you can buy wool. ;)
    How pretty to see all of the sights and I am so excited you will be home tomorrow. It has been a lovely vacation.

  9. I've never gambled a single nickel so I applaud your restraint! LOL So fun to see my neck of the woods through your camera lens. The Gardens at Temple Square are breathtaking in the summer months - looks like most of them were pulled up so you missed them at their prime. The lights in the big trees at Christmastime are spectacular too! Glad you enjoyed your visit here.

  10. Hi Lauren,
    I have never gambled but sounds like you did it just right!!
    Lovely photos and glad you could post again!!
    I'm sure you are "chomping at the bit" to get home!!! Safe travels and NO FLAT TIRES!!
    Heart Hugs~

  11. Glad you are home safe & sound! I'm sure was an enjoyable trip but Oh My, Home, Sweet Home!! Did you happen to stop at Wheaton Woolens when you were in Davenport?

  12. Happy your almost home now Lauren. Congrats on the win, nice!!!!! Love the log cabin, so very special, the gardens spectacular too!!!! Hugs Francine.

  13. it has been wonderful seeing some of your trip journal, All places I will probably never see. Always wanted to go to Utah, too bad you didn't make it to Shepherds Bush shop in Ogden - a wonderful place for sheep lovers and especially stitchers. Be safe - hugs Mel


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