Thursday, October 13, 2016

Blogger Issues ~

Blogger and I are just not getting along :(. I loaded lots of pictures the other day and when I went back to finish, the post was gone.  So were all the pictures that I had taken on Sunday except for a few.  Gone from my iPad AND my iPhone.  Not in the deleted file either so G.O.N.E :(.  So . . . I did an abbreviated post with the few pictures remaining.  I've published it and republished it, and it is not showing up.  I give up.  I'm crying uncle.  (Blogging from here I cannot post any pictures, and what's a post without pictures?  BLAH!). Tomorrow we are heading to Reno and beginning our journey east.  I don't know that I will even attempt to post until home again.  Thanks so much for allowing me to share our journey with you.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren, I feel so badly for you!! How frustrating and discouraging!! I don't blame you for not wanting to go through that again! Just enjoy the rest of your trip and we will patiently wait till you get back!!
    Safe journey, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  2. I hope the second half of your trip is grand !
    Sorry to hear of your blogging woes while on the road - so frustrating! I hope by some miracle your pics all of a sudden "show up".

  3. technology is wonderful, when it works.

    Enjoy your trip home.

  4. I have felt that same frustration with Blogger too. And of course Blogger is a Google product.

  5. blogger is a blessing when it works and a curse when it doesn't!hoping it gets 'fixed' for you soon :)

  6. Well have a safe trip. Blogger has been even hard for me to use lately. I am here at home too. Have a safe trip.
    When you get home hopefully you can show us everything.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Boy that makes you mad! have a great safe trip home. How are you and the DSO doing with all that together time:)

  9. Oh Lauren, so frustrating!!!! Safe travels,Hugs Francine.

  10. you know I just can't use my Ipad for posting on my blog. I can comment on someone's blog but that is about it.
    Hope your tires carry you on home! Be safe - Mel


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