Thursday, October 20, 2016

More Salt Lake City & Home ~

Salt Lake City is the Capitol of Utah and their Statehouse is breathtaking.  (I've used that word a lot on this vacation.)

Utah's nickname is The Beehive State and it is their official emblem.  The beehive is a symbol of hard work and industry and appears on the state flag, seal, and coat of arms.

Looking to the mountains from the steps of the Statehouse.  A former Statehouse, now a visitor center and gift shop, is to the right of the flag pole.

What's a trip to Salt Lake City without a trip to the Great Salt Lake?  It is a shallow lake to begin with, but the lake level is about 7' lower than normal.  DSO insisted I put my feet in.  Though I look frozen, it was not as cold as I had anticipated.

Leaving SLC, we first encountered this . . .

. . . then this . . .

. . . and this along with high wind warnings for many, many hours.

And then back to this before we were out of the snow completely.

The next three days we covered 1700+ miles.  We drove, ate and slept and I think my butt grew a couple inches from all the sitting :(   DSO was such a sweetie.  I offered to drive but he said he didn't know how to hook, so I was along for the ride :)  (And I didn't have to fly home . . . lol.)

Yesterday afternoon we were greeted by this.  A couple hours later we were home.  The vacation was WONDERFUL.  We travelled over 6500 miles through thirteen states.  Saw the most amazing sites.  Spent time with my son and his (the best part). 

I must say, though, being the homebody I am, there's no place like home.  I'm still sorting through all my "treasures", some bought, some picked up in the desert.  One of the best parts is being able to blog from my desktop computer!!!

  Thanks so must for stopping by.
  Pug hugs :)


  1. Another amazing place, and amazing buildings and scenery. I think going away is the best way to appreciate being home;)


  2. I have been following and loving it.

    Hugs, Kat

  3. Another gorgeous state. Then there's that white crap. Driving through that weather for hours? Glad you had such a wonderful trip and you're home safely.

  4. Ok, now that I sent you an email I see you are home. All of that art is beautiful, you know you could make some of that into rugs!!! I am happy to see you had such a great time. What a distance you went, all driving. I am such a homebody, never been in a plane and really haven't traveled much of anywhere. Drove to Ohio a few times but that's as far as I've gone. Talk to you soon.


  5. snow your favorite thing! Glad you are home safe and sound and that you had a great time.

  6. Welcome home and glad you had quite a nice adventure. Hope the snow stays put where it is.

  7. I'll say it again...coming home is "The icing on the cake" part of the trip...for me it is.
    Thanks for sharing all those 'Beautiful Parts of America' pictures.

    God Bless America and Peace for all,

  8. Thanks for taking us along on your vacation. The photos were wonderful. Glad you made it home safely.

  9. glad you had a safe trip and wonderful memories - I have thanked you over and over for taking us along - have a great weekend and remember - there's no place like home - hugs Mel

  10. Happy your safe at home now after such a great holiday.thanks for sharing with us, enjoyed this wonderful holiday with you.Hugs Francine.

  11. Breathtaking is the perfect word for this trip! You are very fortunate to be able to see and experience what most of us will only know as pictures. Utah looks to be a very beautiful place! Glad you made your rounds safely....enjoy settling back into the familiars of home! :-)


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