Sunday, October 9, 2016

Ghost Town ~

My son Bill's passion is to explore abandoned mines; gold, silver, copper, etc.  There are thousands of abandoned mines here out west.  He has explored the area around Randsburg on a number of occasions and wanted to take us to this ghost town and show us a few of the nearby mines he has explored.

At the museum in town.

Seriously, the porta potty used in the mine.

Around the town.

Even though it was Saturday, most of the shops were closed.  This sign in the window just cracked me up.

A flower pot :)

I need one (or two) of these bottle trees.

After leaving town, we headed to one of the mines he has explored.  This is a head frame and the entrance is directly below.  

We walked around and I found some real treasures . . . lol.  Coming back to Ohio will be an old section of bed springs and some broken bottle fragments.  For grandson Jake lots of rocks, mostly different types of quartz and a piece of obsidian.  He will love them.

Heading down the road we found some abandoned miners' cabins.  They had been totally trashed and covered in graffiti.

Graffiti turtle.  I guess we could call this a "make do" . . . lol.

So happy my son shared this with us.  Tonight I had to say goodbye to him :(  It is so hard but I am so proud of the man he has become.

These orchids are in the hotel lobby.  I had to touch them to see if they were real, and yes, they are.

Tomorrow morning we are heading north to Cotati, CA, to spend a few days with Fritz's son and daughter-in-law.  Thanks so much for following me on our journey.

Thanks also for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lots of old rusty stuff!!! Love that old car! :-)

  2. What a fun adventure and how wonderful to see your son.

  3. Love the flower pot!! I've seen them with vines, too. Toilets make very versatile pots. LOL LOL LOL

  4. Morning Lauren, what a neat ghost town, thanks for inviting us along, loved it!!!! Hugs Francine.

  5. A. Great adventure, but spending time with family is priceless! Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

  6. Wonderful pictures... Yes, we passed Randsburg on our way to Reno. Never ventured into the town, just stayed on 395. I am fascinated with ghost towns. Calico is another I enjoy, closer to Barstow.
    So happy for you to be able to visit with your son. Looking forward to seeing your next show of pictures and adventures.
    TTYL with Peace,

  7. Yep that is how it looks in the desert or just right outside town. :)
    Have a wonderful trip driving. I hope you get to see lots of other things. I am enjoying your vacation through your eyes. I take so much for granted. I had never thought about all of the ghost towns before.

  8. Hi Lauren,
    You have certainly gotten a wonderful taste of the Old West! Loved seeing all those amazing things and so wonderful that your son could share that with you.....and us!!!
    Hope you got LOTS of hugs and I know you enjoyed your time together!! Looking forward to the continuing saga!! Safe travels, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  9. What a fun adventure and fun place to visit.


  10. Love traveling with♥Amy


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