Sunday, September 11, 2016

NEVER Forget ~

  ~ May God Bless America ~


  1. Hi Lauren,
    It will forever be etched in my mind!! May God continue to Bless America, land that I love!!
    Heart Hugs~

  2. Hard to believe it was that long ago and I remember it as if it happened yesterday. Was in total shock and horror for the first hit and even worse and couldn't believe the second one went down.

    And those brave men who forced down the plane in Pennsylvania, knowing their fate, are also heroes. God Bless them all.

  3. I will never forget that day and what it felt like, we are so blessed in the USA...

  4. Thank you for posting. I'll never forget the events & emotions of that day.

  5. I pray daily...sometimes more than once.
    "God Bless America".


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