Monday, September 12, 2016

Thank You ~

Thank you so much for the good wishes on my retirement.  All the comments and emails truly warmed my heart.  The next few months are so busy it probably won't sink in for quite some time.  I must say it sure was nice not having to set my alarm for 5:30 this morning.    I was pupsitting and this alarm told me to get up at 7:30.  It is almost impossible to get a picture of her.  Though she has calmed down considerably, she is still very much the puppy.  My granddog Kali :)

Checking out the neighborhood

The show in Holly, MI, went well.  I made some fun money which is always good.  Here are pictures of our booth.

Melissa's AMAZING jewelry

I can't believe I didn't take pictures of any other booths.  The set ups were beautiful.  Lots of good stuff at some great prices.  I had my eye on a rather large dovetailed box.  I was happy it sold quickly so the temptation was gone :)  Earlene had the most wonderful little table but it's sad that I could not think of one spot in my house where it would fit ~ other than the basement.  Friend Bobbie hosted Melissa and me for the evening.  {{Thanks, Bobbie.}}  I bought these two frozen Charlottes from her for a former co-worker whose grandma's name was Charlotte.  They will be Christmas gifts for her mom and aunt.  Bobbie's necklaces were wonderful. 

Francine surprised us with a visit all the way from Winnipeg, Manitoba.  An eighteen hour trip.  Now that's a prim lover!  Didn't get a picture of her, either . . . sigh . . . but I did snag this one of her and her sweetie from Facebook.

My purchases ~

A fun pumpkin . . .

. . . and the sweetest little needle case (the piece in the front).

Two German putz sheep ~ complete with their neckbands and good legs.  So many in my flock have bad legs :(

My flock ~

I have no idea what I will do with these old wooden spoke wheels, but they spoke to me (bad pun intended).

Sweet little hypertufa snowman (no, I'm not hoping for winter) . . .

. . . and finally after years of saying I was going to try making one, a hypertufa beeskep.

Oh, and the sweetest little potty chair. 

Wish I had more room next to my commode because it would make the perfect tp holder.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I'm glad you had such a great time and sold lots of your wares. It looks like you can't put up with empty spaces, lol... you sure didn't come back with empty hands. I love that little potty chair.

    Lucky you for not having to set your alarm early and that cute dog looks adorable looking out the window.

    I've been pickling like crazy again. Enjoy your week.

  2. Looks like a great show and lots of nice handwork. Sheep in real life tend to have hove hoof problems so your sheep herd Is just art imitating life. As for the wheels you could hook a pull toy and use them.

  3. So many beautiful things! I have the same attitude about goodies...if it's still there when I come back, it was meant to be MINE!! I have the same idea about the chocolate store. If there's a parking place in front, I gotta go! LOL

    You are so talented, retirement is going to be fun!

  4. Hi Lauren,
    Your grand dog is so cute and love how she wants to see what goes on in the neighborhood! The show looks like it was amazing and how I wish I still lived close enough to attend!! Your booth and goodies look perfect! So happy you did well, and also got to see special friends!!! That Francine is such a doll!!!
    Your new treasures are just wonderful and I especially love your new sheep! They are so hard to find out here!!! Baaaaaaa!
    Could you perhaps hang the potty chair on the wall? It is really sweet!!
    Enjoy your week, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  5. it sounds like you had a great time at the show and I am glad you earned some spending money.

    Now that you are retired maybe you will make it down to Canton to the Buckeyes Crafters rug guild some month

  6. Fun, fun, FUN! My grandma was named Charlotte & my daughter is named Charlotte - what a coincidence! Can't believe you didn't sell every single item in your booth - it's all just wonderful!

  7. Am happy you made money. And I totally agree with Julie ~ hang that beauty on the wall like the Amish or whomever would have done. YES!!!!

    Love those Frozen Charlotte necklaces.

  8. Wow it looks like you had such a fun day. I am so glad you shared pictures. I love all of your great finds. I am so glad you are having a nice time.

  9. Your booth looks wonderful and it looks like you found some wonderful new goodies.


  10. Hi Lauren, was so wonderful to finally meet you, what a thrill!!!!! Was such a great show, definitely worth the trip, I love my stitched crow mat so. Happy retirement, I'm so behind on blogging, have to catch up. Hugs Francine.

  11. What a fun day and all those goodies. Your booth looked darling! Hugs cheri


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