Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A New Chapter of Life Begins ~

As of 3 pm Tuesday, I am retired.  Was it the smartest decision?  Only time will tell, but I was ready.  Too bad most people have to get old to retire . . . lol :)  Perhaps I've just read too many obituaries of people my age or younger dying unexpectedly.  I want time to enjoy life (and hopefully not have to eat cat food too soon).

It is going to be a busy few months, so it probably won't hit me until after the holidays.  (I just can't say the "C" word yet, Saundra.)  It will be nice not to have to squeeze it all in after working full time.  First thing to get through is Saturday's show.  Lots more on the schedule after that.

I told my co-worker that I did not want a party, and that was not just lip service.  I really didn't.  I don't like to be the center of attention.  They instead planned our "end of season" steak fry.  They had a cake and gave me this wonderful hooking basket (and some $$ to buy wool). 

Pillow reads "hookers have more fun"
a gift from my niece :)

My boss had our sign guy make this for me.  Working in a department of 30+ guys and only three women, they got a kick out of the fact that they worked with a hooker.

Last Friday I had the pleasure of being serenaded by two delightful 13 year old twins with the most beautiful voices (daughters of a co-worker).  They sang "Forever Young".  How sweet was that?

My last day the Parks' guys sent me flowers. 

The Traffic Tech guy gave me lottery tickets.

My boss and co-worker got me and my sweetie tickets for Cirque du Soleil in November.

How ironic that I never felt appreciated until I was leaving.  Everyone was so kind with words of praise.  It was good to leave knowing how people felt.  I am feeling a bit melancholy. 

There seems to be two schools of thought regarding retirement.
  1. I don't know how I ever found time to work!
  2. I got more done when I worked!
I sure hope I'm more like #1.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Congrats on your retirement! Keep busy but make time to have fun and enjoy!

  2. I am over the moon happy for you Lauren !!!!
    This is huge and must be amazing to be heading for a "new adventure" in life.
    No more "Sunday evening" blahs about having to start a new work week in the morning !!!!
    Embrace your new schedule.

  3. Wow - sounds like you had quite a send off in spite of not having a party! Your co-workers gave you such sweet and thoughtful gifts - yay!

  4. Congratulations on your retirement! Enjoy every minute of it!

  5. I retired about a year ago and I highly recommend it! Have a plan and keep busy doing what you want. Remain active mentally and physically. Have fun.

  6. I think the more I do, the more I get done, lol.
    If I try to relax, it just makes me tired and bored, keeping active just means we are living life;)


  7. Congrats on retirement. I know you'll love being able to stay home during the snow

  8. Many good wished for a long, happy and BUSY retirement! You are right about needing and wanting to live life while it is in front of you. All the best!!

  9. congratulations!!!!!! so happy for you!

  10. wow great thoughtful gifts! Good for you enjoy enjoy enjoy.

  11. Ps I will send food so you don't have to eat cat food if it gets to that

  12. What wonderful gifts and thoughts that went into them. I still feel those two schools of thought. Most definitely #2 resonates with me; my house was much cleaner when I worked. But then I wasn't having fun hooking then either. Enjoy!

  13.'s a good thing! That said, I agree with Mary A., having a plan (loosely structured but still a plan) and staying busy and active is the key. Somehow I think you'll do just fine!

  14. Congrats on retirement!! I hope you enjoy it to the fullest! Hook away!

  15. Happy Retirement Lauren. Of course they will miss you big time at work. Your spirit of generosity is so evident to me and I never met you except through my computer and I know that you are a thoughtful and generous person.

    I'm so glad that you got the recognition from your fellow workers and boss. You got some beautiful gifts. Now enjoy your free time and don't worry about the future, just hook to your heart's content.

    Hugs and warm wishes for a happy retirement.

  16. Congratulations!!! So much more time to "play". Enjoy...

  17. Congratulations on your retirement! Love that sign they made for you, and the other gifts too. Hope you love being retired!

  18. Congratulations on your retirement...I know your will wonder how you had time to work! sounds like you worked with a great bunch of people...enjoy this new chapter...too many people wait too long...

  19. Congratulations! I didn't want anything special either. Usually, at our school, we do all sorts of skits and such when people retire or move on to other ventures, but I told them they better not for me. They kept it low key, thankfully. I'm like you- I hate being the center of attention. I find that I got more done when working too. But I do love the reason I left- I'm taking care of my very first grandlove! So, I wouldn't get anything done anyway. LOL

  20. congratulations on your retirement Lauren! I hope you enjoy many trips around the sun doing whatever your heart desires ~

  21. Congratulations on your retirement!!! I have a feeling that you will keep yourself busy :) 9 years and counting for me...
    Blessings, Patti

  22. Congratulations Lauren!!!! I am so jealous....I still have 14 months, but with as fast as time is flying by, the wait won't be too bad!! I am so very happy for you!!! Enjoy!

  23. Hi Lauren,
    Congratulations, my friend!!! I know you will fill your days with so many things you WANT TO DO, rather than HAVE TO DO!! Enjoy each moment!! All of your gifts were so thoughtful and lovely! So nice to know that you really do matter!!!
    Big Heart Hugs~

  24. Congrats Lauren and you will find so many things to do that you'll be busier than ever. What amazing and thoughtful gifts from everyone! Don't worry if it comes down to eating cat food at this point because you can always sell stash before that point! I'd eat cat food before selling my precious stash.

  25. Congratulations! Let the fun begin! Now that you are retired, if you have any paisley necklaces left from your show please sale them online!

  26. Congratulations Lauren! It will be an adjustment but you will do just fine! And you will love it! Good for you!

  27. You are going to do just fine, darlin"

  28. sincere congrats lauren, enjoy this special time in your life, many many can't wait to be were you are now:) no doubt you've earned it many times over. hooray for you!

  29. Lauren, Congrats on your retirement. May you spend time each morning savoring your morning cuppa' and smiling!

  30. Wow! Super congratulations and warm hugs, Lauren!!! It sure does sound like you will be missed! Such wonderful gifts of appreciation too... they know you better than you ever thought they did! :-)
    Was it good timing? Well... I'll say it was since the snow hasn't started flyin' yet! lol! ;-)

  31. Hooray for you. I retired three years ago this month and have never been happier. Life is god. You will really appreciate it this winter when the snow starts.

  32. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you. Enjoy each and every day...hook away! LOL

  33. Best wishes in your retirement, Lauren! You received some wonderful gifts! Lori

  34. Congratulations! My 8 years of retirement so far have flown by. You will be thankful every day to have lived long enough to retire and enjoy it. Even if we are 'old' it doesn't always feel like it!!!

  35. Congrats, you'll never be sorry. Poorer yes but in money only!

  36. I am so glad you finally announced it publicly. Everyone I know is in the first category. Loving life and so busy and productive. I know you will be too. I love all of the very sweet gifts you got from all of your co workers. That is so nice. I loved that basket though, what a very sweet gift.
    I hope your show goes really well and it is a great way to get you into this wonderful transition. I wish you all of the best.

  37. OMGosh Lauren - I am SOOOO happy for you ! I'm sure you'll be a little out of kilter (or maybe NOT) for a while but I'm sure you'll slip beautifully into your own pace. Love and hugs and hug congrats on your decision. Good luck at the show - Mel

  38. Congrats on your retirement . It looks like your co workers
    Thought highly of you!!!
    You will have fun with the extra time , hugs cheri

  39. Best wishes for your new freedom! It takes a while to adjust, but you will know you made the right decision. Obviously, they will miss you.

  40. Congrats on your retirement Lauren! What lovely gifts from your coworkers. How many people can actually say, they worked with a hooker, lol! Too funny :)
    Enjoy your new found freedom!

  41. So so very happy for you and truly hope you enjoy every minute of your retirement stay healthy and yup keep hooking! I will be next up on the retirement step and cant wait!! the prospect is scary yet i know I am ready! Like you I want to be able to enjoy it while I still can!! Be happy and healthy dear friend and enjoy the up coming shows and I will see you soon!! xoxo Linda

  42. Retirement is WONDERFUL!! Congrats Lauren


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