Monday, September 5, 2016

Getting Ready ~

It is SO MUCH work trying to get ready to vend at a show {as many of you know}, especially when you are making all the items.  I started a couple months ago, thinking I didn't have much to do.  Of course, as anyone who has ever vended at a show will confirm, one never knows what will sell, so I keep adding more and more to my list of things to make.

I have finally been labeling hooked pieces.  I am even worse at labeling than I am at binding.  Not a hard job, but just not fun for me.  I print up labels in a word document (nothing fancy like Saundra's) on printable fabric . . .

OOPS.  Typo on one label and didn't catch until after it printed.

. . . iron on a very lightweight interfacing just to give them a little more substance,  coffee stain them so they are not stark white and sew on. 

This is the product I use.  It can be found at Michael's.  Be sure to have a coupon as it is quite pricey! 

And here they are sewn on.  As you can see, I bind my rugs with a wool used in the rug.

I still want to try making some pouches made from antique cutter coverlets and have not finished the bracelets or the necklaces.  I am running out of time here since I will be heading to Michigan on Friday to set up.  If by chance you come to this wonderful show, please stop by and introduce yourself :)  I am sharing space with hooker friend Melissa and am hoping we get set up near Bobbie and Earlene.  Melissa makes amazing jewelry and is also bringing wool applique and much more, I'm sure.  She is so talented and creative.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy Labor Day.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Everything looks beautiful. Lauren. I hope you sell out!

  2. Best of luck on your upcoming show. I used to do craft shows and remember the crazy days leading up to them.

  3. Always loved the day of the show but not the days leading up. Good luck,your items are wonderful!~Amy

  4. What a great idea for labeling your hooked pieces. Good luck on the show and remember to take some time to just breathe.

  5. Sell Big lauren!!!!! have a great day tomorrow you lucky duck.

  6. So beautiful!! I love the labels...perfect. I wish I lived closer. Sigh.

  7. I still get the jitters thinking about doing craft shows...can't even shop at them anymore! hope you sell big...for sure you'll have fun...and retiring...congrats...think I have 10 years...have you heard from Kim???

  8. I think I would be too stressed to do a show, but it would be fun to try one someday. I am bad about labels too, I usually just use a label and write on it or use striped and write on that.


  9. Hope you do well and have fun at your show!!! A little bird says you have something very good coming up!!!!

  10. You have made lots of wonderful things for the show. I hope you have a great show & everything sells! I like the "look" of your labels & binding with wool. Makes for a great finished look. So how soon is retirement? You will love it, think of all the time you will have to hook & play!!
    Good Luck this weekend!

  11. Rosie the Pug is adorable! :-) It's always a mad rush to the end (getting ready for a show)... but, it always seems to work out just right! I'm going to start binding with wool on small mats... looks nicer than cording... have a great week!

  12. Love your labels. Good luck with your vending. Enjoy yourself!!!

  13. I love your wool binding !!!
    Beautiful. Maybe after your show you could do a post on your technique ! Using the same wool in the rug is perfect.

  14. Good luck at your show ! Have Fun ! Your labels look great ! Sell , sell , sell !!!!!

  15. Hi Lauren,
    The sweet pug is just darling!! Made me smile!
    Hope you do well at the show and have a great time with your friends, too!! I'm sure you will also come away with some new treasures!!! Love your label tips, too!
    Heart Hugs~

  16. I love your labels! Thank you for showing how you do it because I have tried and have never came out to my liking. I love how you bind your rugs!!! Thank you for showing that too.
    I hope you get everything finished before Friday. I do hope you do really well at this show. I sure wish I could be there. I would love to be able to greet you in person. Have a nice week Lauren.

  17. Good luck at the show and have fun!


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