Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bowls & Trenchers ~

Monday, Julie of  My Primitive Heart,  posted about her love affair with wooden bowls and trenchers.  I have a "thing" about them, too.

On the upstairs landing ~ filled with stone fruit.

The sweetest child's size trencher with a wonderful old repair, filled with dried black walnuts and Cutie oranges that didn't get eaten in a timely manner.  Some dry nice and round and other shrivel up.

In the dining room filled with more stone fruit . . .

. . . and on the dining room table.  I'm a little stone fruit obsessed :)

And still more stone fruit.  I see I need to dust my grapes . . . lol!

Trencher on the coffee table ~

Sweet little shoes ~

NOTHING compared to Julie's trencher filled with her strawberry creations :)

On the stove.  I think I need to dust there, too.

I have more bowls and a trencher or two tucked away in an antique cupboard bottom.  They are just fun to decorate with and unless you are buying early ones with old paint, they can be found very reasonably priced.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love all of your trenchers....but, oh my, that little wooden spice cabinet is wonderful!!! Never heard of stone fruit...very nice!

  2. Hi Lauren,
    So happy to see you share my love of bowls and trenchers, too!!! Such wonderful goodies gathered in them as well! You are so sweet about my strawberries but you are definitely the queen of stone fruit!
    I also have a spice box very much like yours!!
    Have a lovely week, my friend,
    Heart Hugs~

  3. i'm obsessed with wooden bowls,too!!

  4. I love your bowls I have lots of them too and your stone fruit is just wonderful in them. Your children's shoes are sweet. I have one filled with balsam bags that people use to buy for a souvenir

  5. I have a few wooden bowls and trenchers too. One has some hooked hearts in it but isn't on display right now. Another has some wooden spindles.

    Warms my heart to see someone else has dust. But bet I have more dust than you. But that doesn't make me a winner, lol.

  6. Love them all !
    Love the figs in the photo, too ;)
    Why is it, we only actually see dust in pics ! Lol

  7. I am going to get my bowls and beloved Brimfield trencher out as soon as the house remodel is finished.
    Love yours with all the special treasures! Especially love that little spice cabinet!

  8. love them all...especially the old repair on the trencher...a new coffee shop opened near me called Stone I have more dust then everyone combined...definitely not a winner either!

    your and Julie's post makes me want to get some strawberries made...add it to the list...

  9. Love all of your bowls and the fillers. I can't quite have of all those little things out yet...Rory still thinks they're to eat...I lost two beautiful paisley strawberries....

  10. I have a thing for them too!! I do wish I had more than I do. I love them filled with old pin keeps. I love your stone fruit. I remember my Mom had so much of it I wonder where it went. I love your strawberries too. Very nice Lauren.

  11. Hi Lauren
    What a delightful post.
    I love all your trenchers and bowls and especially all the stone fruit. You know since I've seen people's posts about stone fruit I've looked for it at antique shops/thrift stores and come up blank. Not sure why there isn't any around us.

  12. I have a fair amount of these too, but you have filled yours with SUCH cool stuff! I've never noticed stone fruit at any of my antique stores - might be a local thing? Love !

  13. I have been wanting a nice large wood bowl for several months now and the ones I like of course are $259 up! and I think they are repro ones not really old
    I'll keep looking

  14. Morning Lauren, I love them too!!!! Your collections are wonderful as is your decorating, thanks for sharing.Hugs Francine.

  15. I need to come visit and just walk around your home because it's just sheer perfection every time you post pictures. I love decorating with bowls and trenchers as well because they are so versatile. I just found my first set of stone fruit after looking for years and I hope one day to have a collection like yours.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)