Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday Stuff ~

Nature is amazing.  Tiger lilies are just so beautiful.

They are also HUGE ~ over 5' tall.

The blackberry lilies are so sweet, too.  The seeds were compliments of my dear friend Sheila :)

Blog friends are the most amazing and thoughtful people.  A surprise arrived in the mail.  Donna, aka the Dirty Martini Queen, sent me a package.  In it was this sweet little doggie . . .

 . . . and this amazing sampler she stitched from a Pineberry Lane pattern.  Not the "E" in the diamond at the bottom.  She stitched it in memory of my Ellie.  So sweet.  I still miss that little spitfire but her memory makes me smile through the tears.  Thank you so much Donna.

OK.  So I still refuse to go to Pinterest.  I just don't need another thing on the computer to suck me in, but I know one day soon I will  most likely weaken.  I recently got an email from Sandy in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  She found a picture of her partially completed rug (from a retreat at Sauder Village) that I had posted on my blog that somehow ended up on Pinterest.  She so graciously sent me a picture of it completed.  It is absolutely WONDERFUL!!!  She didn't say whose pattern it is, but I think that would be a fun one to hook.  I just love her color choices.  Thanks, Sandy, for taking the time to send this to me :)

One crazy thing.  I filled the washer this morning and when I went to add the soap and clothes, there was this huge spider sitting on the agitator under water.  WTH???  I went and got a little fish net and of course I missed him.  Finally started the washer for a few seconds and the second time was the charm.  Now snakes don't bother me (well, maybe if I found one in the washer it would) but I.DO.NOT.LIKE.SPIDERS!!!

Thanks so much for all your kind words and well wishes on my last post and as always for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. That really is a beautiful rug! Looks like sunshine! Maybe someone will recognize it and leave a comment with the name of the pattern. Spiders are on my ick list too! :-)

  2. Morning Lauren, love the rug and I say the same, blogging friends are the best, love the sampler, , though I've been a naughty blogger lately.... Tiger lilies are so beautiful but the spider is not.Hope all is well with you,Hugs Francine.

  3. I'm with you on the spider thing. Beautiful flowers and the little doggie looks like Ellie too. Very thoughtful friend you have.

  4. Beautiful flowers! I do not like spiders or snakes! Eeeek!

  5. Hi Lauren,
    Your flowers are just gorgeous! About Pinterest, I LOVE IT! It is so enjoyable for me and if you have any questions about it, I would be happy to help! The gifts from your blog friend are so wonderful and yes, bloggers are truly special! I know you will treasure them!! All I can say about spiders is.....YIKES!!!!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Heart Hugs~

  6. I had a washer/spider scare too. Opened the lid to put in a load and the big ole black thing was sitting on the agitator. I ran a load of water thru and opened the lid to find him still looking at me. I had to bite the bullet and pick him out .. I stomped him to death in a wad of paper towels. ICK

  7. Such a nice post, until you added that final photo. I will never wash clothes again.

  8. What wonderful gifts and very thoughtful.
    I do not like spiders, but I can handle them as long as they don't drop or crawl on me, lol.


  9. Dear Lauren, I don't check blogs for a few days and missed your surgery! I guess I didn't realize it was so soon. Hope you are doing well and enjoying your time off, even if it is to recover. Sweet gifts from Dirty Martini Queen:) You have two flowers that I don't have, would love to have some seeds from you if you think of it. Take care,

  10. I am with you Lauren, I hate spiders!!!
    The pattern is a Bea Brock pattern, but I am not sure of the name of it! I love her colors. Your lilies are GORGEOUS. I finally planted a couple of them this year, I would love to have a whole field of them.

  11. Hi Lauren,
    Your lilies are just beautiful. That looks like a pretty big spider. I am not nice and would have squashed him to smithereens and then been all skittish afraid there may be more.

  12. I love your lilies! They are so pretty. I have seen some huge spiders this summer. Not in my washing machine though.
    Pinterest wears off. It really does, blogs are so much more interesting. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  13. Love those speckled lilies! My wedding bouquet included tiger lilies and whenever I see lilies it takes me back thirty four years to that day! Yikes! Love all your goodies...sweet little dog. Whenever Annie yells, "Mommy, get a shoe!" I know there is a wood spider out and about. They come out, or should I say come in, when we have a heavy rain. They still give me the willies!

  14. I adore the little dog figurine...I collect those. They are so sweet. And the little sampler is so charming. What a good friend you have. I have never seen blackberry lilies. They are gorgeous.

  15. My rug is indeed a Bea Brock pattern called Costa Rican Cartwheel.

  16. Lauren been offline all week (ahhhh it was heaven) and I missed your post. As I said your Ellie touched me and that says a lot about her spunk 'cause I'm a kitty gal. Love the flowers and don't know where you find the time to do everything you do. I'd give up laundry for good if I ever found a spider in my washer. Those things seriously scare me to death.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)