Saturday, July 30, 2016

Spice Cupboards ~

A few of you commented about my spice cupboard shown in the previous post.

I also have a "thing" about spice cupboards.  This one sits on the same cupboard as the one above.  It has a somewhat thick coat of reddish paint that was added later in its life.

These three sit atop the pie safe in the dining room.

The one on the left is my favorite 8 drawer cupboard.  It has such a beautiful patina.  I just love those little antique pugs.

At the base of the stairs leading to the second story sits this sweet little four drawer spice cupboard.  I purchased it many years ago on eBay.  Miniature stone fruit sits in front.

Atop this most wonderful hanging cupboard sits a six drawer spice cupboard. 

Beautiful hanging pocket
A gift from oh-so-generous Melinda
of Merry Wind Farm

This is my all time favorite.  I think this is the first one ever purchased.  I wish I could remember from where . . . sigh.  I'm guessing it was from a show.  Hopefully I have it written down . . . somewhere :)

Happy Saturday to you.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You sure do have a lot of 'favorite things'. they are beautiful spice cupboards!

  2. I love wood cupboards of all sizes. My passion runs to the bigger size, like pie safes, and glass front cupboards. One can never have too many.

  3. Morning Lauren, I love those sweet little cupboards, very sweet collection. I adore those Pugs, been looking for one for years , so sweet.... Enjoy the day,Francine.

  4. You're killing me. If there was only one wooden item I could own, it would have little drawers. I adore your collection and am green right now. I would even wash my clothes with a spider to own one.

  5. I love them all! Lucky you have so many.

  6. They are all beautiful. I can see why you have a thing about them. There is just something pleasing to the eye just looking at them. I also like your stone fruit too.

  7. I am envious of your little spice cupboards! What is it about those little drawers that make our hearts sing?
    I am on the look out for them hopefully in my price budget.

  8. Hi Lauren,
    What a lovely collection you have!! I have two of them and love the little drawers! The three together look wonderful and I love the hooked rug behind them! Thanks for sharing yet another great collection!
    Heart Hugs~

  9. Wonderful collection of spice cabinets, I like the 4 drawer one the best.


  10. How beautiful! I don't have a single one, so I'm green with envy!

  11. Swooning....that's just all I can say....swooning!

  12. Wonderful...each and everyone. I am drooling.


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