Tuesday, March 22, 2016

With Heavy Heart ~

Dear DSO and I had to help Ellie cross the Rainbow Bridge this morning.  They don't know why things went so wrong but she was not going to recover.  It is one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make, but it was the right decision for Ellie.  We are heartbroken.
Since I am a pug girl at heart, I called her my "pug in the witness protection program". 
She loved to sleep under the covers . . .
. . . fall over to get belly rubs . . .
. . . curl up on her favorite blankie . . .
. . . hang out with Jake . . .
. . . and bury bones in my wool baskets.
My Ellie rug.  A True Friend says it all.
Run fast and free, Miss Ellie. 
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for all the kind comments, Facebook messages and emails.  It is heartwarming to know so many people care.


  1. Oh Lauren my heart aches for you.....


  2. I am so sorry for your loss, Lauren. You gave her a home when not everyone would have, and you did right by her again today. So very sorry and sad for you all. ...jan

  3. In tears for you. I know how hard it is. Big hugs sent your way!~♥Amy

  4. oh i am so so so so sorry ~ bless her little heart.
    and yours...{hugs}

  5. With tears I am so sad for Ellie and you. God Bless.

  6. Dear Lauren, Ellie was such a sweet little dog and she was dear to us like all your pugs and she was loved.
    I'm so glad you made an Ellie rug. She will be fondly remembered. My hearty is aching for you on your loss.
    Warm hugs and love.

  7. I am so sorry for your pain and loss.

  8. Wonderful photos of ellie, she was such a sweet dog.
    Big hugs and heartfelt sympathies.


  9. Ellie knows you loved her and am so happy you hooked the Ellie rug.

  10. Oh Lauren I'm so sorry for your loss and my heart aches for you. She was such a cutie! I know you are hurting now but soon I hope the tears are replaced by laughter when you think of her and her antics.

  11. My heart is just breaking for you, Lauren. I'm so so sorry. I shall miss the cute pics of Miss Ellie. I love what you wrote about her and all the sweet pics. I'm so glad you did that rug. Big hugs, Lori

  12. I am so sorry, Ellie was very special & you will treasure your rug & your memories! Hugs!

  13. It is heartbreaking to lose such a sweet pet. I am so sorry for your loss.

  14. I am so sorry , crossing the Rainbow Bridge is a very special place for our best friends , my heart aches for you & your family .

  15. Lauren, I am so very, very sorry. There are no works that will help the sadness.

  16. Lauren,

    So sorry to hear about Elie ~ I was so praying that she would recover. It is never easy to let them go, the hole they leave in our hearts and lives is huge. God Bless, Jo Ann

  17. I am so sorry to hear about Ellie. I feel your pain... Prayers of comfort as you mourn her passing. I am so glad that you have your finished Ellie rug, I hope that it helps you focus on happy memories.

  18. Just came to your blog to check on Ellie, my heart breaks for you. I am so sorry! We have all come to love Ellie from the time you were just dog sitting to the time you decided to be her forever home. Thank You for caring and loving her even if she wasn't a pug!

  19. This breaks my heart.
    You are not alone in this difficult time. So many loved Ellie over the years, seeing and hearing about her on your blog.
    Ellie was very special.
    Peace and comfort to you Lauren.

  20. Lauren,I am so sorry to hear that.

  21. Lauren my heart aches for you. Bless you and Ellie.

  22. Tears as I read this sad news, my heart hurts for you...RIP SWET ELLIE🐾🐾❤️

  23. Words seem so insignificant at a time like this.
    Lauren, please know that I'm thinking of you and empathize with your sadness. It is a terrible thing to lose a beloved companion.
    May you be comforted by the happy memories of your dear Ellie.

  24. I am so sorry for your pain and loss.I am glad that you hooked the rug!!

  25. oh lauren, so very sad, my sympathies to you...

  26. Annie and I send you a big hug! So sorry. What a lovely remembrance of Ellie you have in that wonderful rug. Take good care.

  27. Lauren, I am so so sorry for your loss. Poor dog. You are in my thoughts. Hugs. Sue

  28. How I wish I could comfort you right now. There just are no words at this time - only know that my heart aches right along with yours.

    Diane in North Carolina

  29. I gasped when I opened your blog page. I'm so very sorry for your heartache. Sending healing hugs.

  30. Dear Lauren,
    My heart is broken for you and I know you are hurting! I hope you feel a sense of love and comfort from all of us who care! You did all you could and above all, you gave Ellie the best gift possible.....LOVE! I'm so happy you have the beautiful rug and all the lovely memories to help you through this very difficult time!
    Sending Healing Hugs and Love~

  31. My deepest sympathy on the loss of your sweet Ellie. It's so hard to lose a beloved pet. Please find comfort in knowing you took great care of her while she was with you. I know from experience that it's true that pets leave paw prints upon our hearts forever as their memory lives on. Again, so very sorry for your loss. Your wonderful rug is sure to be a reminder of all the happy times you and Ellie shared!

  32. Oh, Lauren! I'm so sorry to hear this. {{{Hugs}}}}


  33. I remember when you took her in for a friend and then she became yours and she loved you so much! She had a beautiful life with you and it's sad she went through all that she did these last few days. God bless you and that big heart of yours! Krissy B.

  34. Oh Lauren, I know your kind heart is grieving for sweet Ellie. Those little fur babies make life so wonderful for us with unconditional love. I know there is a special place in Heaven for such sweet animals. I am so sorry for your loss, hugs cheri

  35. sure sorry to hear about losing little Ellie - very sad news indeed. I know it will take time for your heart to heal - hugs Mel

  36. So sorry for your loss, Hugs.

  37. Just read your post. I'm so sorry for your loss. We were all pulling for Ellie. So glad that you shared so many special moments. Hugs to you...

  38. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I know you all must be so sad and heartbroken. Lots of hugs.

  39. We fur parents understand your heart break. So very sorry for your loss...it's the final kindness we do our loved fur kids.

  40. So sad, yet such great memories. And what a journey you have been on. I pray for you. So hard. My 16 year old weinie dog Rose is in doggie hospice here at home. Hugs, Kat.

  41. Lauren, I am deeply sorry for your loss of dear sweet Ellie. I always have a laugh at seeing her picture with the footnote about the witness protection. I love Jack Russells and has been just over a year, since I lost my little Jack, Maddy. I hope that whoever or whatever attacked Ellie, realizes your loss and makes things right. I have tears writing this. Blessings.

  42. So very sorry for your loss, so hard to lose our fur babies especially this way.

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