Monday, March 21, 2016

Just a Quick Ellie Update ~

Thank you so much for all your kind comments and emails.  It is heartwarming to know how many people care.
Ellie and I did not go to work today.  She had a really bad night and this morning could not stand and would not drink.  She was totally lethargic.  By noon she was at a new puppy hospital. She will be there for at least 2 or 3 days.  I just got home a bit ago from visiting her.  She is so pathetic it just breaks my heart.  I am happy she is somewhere getting the care she needs.  I hope she can recover from this.  Please keep her in your puppy prayers and hug your furbaby tonight.
Here she is in happier times giving me the stink eye.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Been thinking about her all day

  2. I am so sorry that she is not doing well and I hope they can get her back to her old self. It is so sad when owners let dogs like that out. Bean is such a happy dog and loves making friends, but sometimes other dogs snap at him when he goes close, even when he bows his head down, so I am more careful now.


  3. I have thought about you both all day. I just feel horrible for you both. You know I will keep you both in my heart and prayers. Hugs from me to you. O

  4. Last year my Siamese was in intensive care and I paid visits twice daily. She relaxed when I was there. It's hard. Kim came through fine and I hope your little one does too!

  5. This just breaks my heart!! Sending pug hugs to you and your sweet pup!! I hope your pup recovers soon and is back in your loveing home!!
    Pug Hugs, Mona

  6. Sending hugs and prayers! So heartbreaking to see them in pain! Wishing you peace and a good night of healing sleep to both of you.
    Blessings, Patti

  7. I am so sorry that Elle is having a hard time recovering. I will be praying for her and you.

  8. Hi Lauren,
    Sending you LOTS of hugs and prayers!
    She is in good hands!
    Rest well!
    Big Hugs~

  9. Prayers for Ellie lots of love and rest to help her through.

  10. Hoping for a good outcome for your sweet dog.

  11. Sending Ellie healing energy.....
    Hugs, Kat

  12. Prayers for Ellie and you. Hope you are both soon enjoying spring.

  13. Oh Lauren, I am just hearing about all this now ! How terrible. I pray she heals quickly.
    I know you will love on her.

  14. It's hearbreaking when our babies are hurting and there's nothing we can do to help them.
    Please know that I;m thinking and praying for both of you.

  15. My heart aches for her and you keeping good thoughts for you both

  16. I am very sorry, Lauren. I will be thinking good thoughts for her and you today.

  17. Hugs and prayers to you and sweet Ellie.

  18. I'm so sorry Ellie isn't doing so well this morning. I'm hoping and praying she will rally around and get well soon. This must be so hard for you just waiting and feeling helpless. Healing takes time but she will heal. I'm pestering our Lord up there with my prayers to bring Ellie back to good health. Poor little thing, she has known some sad time in her life and now this. She didn't deserved this.
    Warm tender hugs,

  19. Aw, poor baby, I feel sad for Ellie and for you, her mom. May the Lord hear all the prayers going up for sweet Ellie and restore her to good health. So very sorry for all you've both been through. Please continue with updates, we all care so very much. My little Abby (Shih Tzu)and I are sending hugs your way.

  20. You and Ellie are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the owner of the other dog takes some responsibility.

  21. You are such a good mommy to Ellie. I hope they are giving her pain meds. So hard to see pets hurting. Wishing you both well. ...jan

  22. Prayers going up for Ellie.
    Robyn & Annie

  23. Bless your heart Lauren and sweet little Ellie too. She reminds me somewhat of our adopted Rusty. It warms my heart to know you are giving her the loving care she needs. Keeping you both in my and Rusty's prayers.
    Peace, Barb

  24. Hoping for a good news update.

  25. So sorry for your loss Lauren. Beautiful tribute for Ellie. She was such a sweet girl.

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