Sunday, March 20, 2016

Ellie Update ~

I know some of you have heard about Ellie.  For those of you who haven't, she was attacked Friday evening just as we were leaving the garage for a walk.  A young man just happened to be across the street and came  to Ellie's rescue.  Without his efforts, Ellie would not have survived.  Another kind neighbor drove me to the vet.  I'll spare the details, but she had emergency surgery and came home this evening.  Thankfully her organs weren't damaged other than the spleen which was removed.  Poor baby is hurting.  She is on my lap as I type and often whimpers.  It just breaks my heart.  She will go to work with me tomorrow so she won't be alone.  The first two pictures were taken yesterday . . .

. . . and here she is today before coming home.  

This really ticks me off (to put it politely).  These signs are in several areas of the pet hospital.  I had to pay for the surgery before it was performed.  What they charged me for an additional 34 hours of care would make your head spin.  When I was checking out, I asked them what if people couldn't pay?  They said they just don't treat them.  "So you let them die?", I asked.  No, we just don't treat them was there response.  I know it's a business, but I just have a hard time comprehending how they can be so callous.

Please say a little prayer for a speedy recovery.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Poor Ellie, that is horrible. Not sure if I saw that, since I am zoned out lately. I cannot believe they wouldn't treat a pet. I could see if the animal might be critical and treating would be expensive and not paid for, but most of our places will just bill you if it is an emergency. Usually if an owner can't pay, the animal shelters take them and pay for it, then find a new home, not fair either.


  2. Oh Lauren, poor Ellie looks so scared in those pictures. I'm so glad she is home with you now. Abby and I are sending her prayers.
    I hope there is another vet clinic near you that has a more compassionate attitude towards animals. I know it's a business but their response seems a little callous

  3. Bless you for your care of this sweet dog. You do great honor to your friend.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about Ellie. How scary! I have checked into dog health insurance. My kids have it on their dogs and it has paid off. I think will get it too, especially after hearing about Ellie. HUGS!!!

  5. I didn't know about this! Horrible! Poor little girl. I'm so glad she can go to work with you. Were you or the young man hurt? Can you recover the cost from the attacker's owner?

  6. Hi Lauren,
    I'm so very sorry for all the anguish you and poor Ellie have gone through!! So happy she is home and will be with you tomorrow!
    I can certainly understand your feelings about the sign and hope you will find another place in future that has more compassion!!
    Thank God Ellie is on the mend!
    Warmest Hugs~

  7. I am so sorry Lauren, was she attacked by a loose dog? I will be praying for poor little girl. They have those signs at my vet too. It makes me so sad to see them.
    It breaks my heart that had to happen. Thank God for the boy across the street.

  8. OMG, Lauren....I had no idea poor Ellie was attacked...was it one of those big dogs on your street? Such a huge surgery for such a sweet little dog....hope she and you recover!..God Bless her....

  9. Prayers for Ellie coming your way! Take care.

  10. So sorry this happened. I will say a prayer for this poor little soul. Hope she recovers.

  11. Poor Ellie... What attacked her?! Hoping she heals quickly and well.

  12. Oh no!!!! I did not hear and I sure hope Ellie recovers soon!!!!!!
    I hate seeing signs like that too.
    (((Hugs))) Earlene

  13. I hope the owner of the other dog knows they are responsible for this in money and not controlling the dog

  14. Oh Lauren how sad......I truly feel the same.....the owner of the dog should take responsibility on this......but we all know unfortunately most don' for the sign at the vets, that is sad....I can't imagine....I pray Ellie has a fast recovery, poor little thing will probably be traumatized......


  15. Oh, Lauren, I am so very sorry. Dog attacks are so scary. Nothing makes me angrier than people that don't keep their dogs contained or on leash. I will keep you and Ellie in my thoughts.

  16. Hope Ellie is recovering well and will soon be feeling like her old self! Sounds as if you have great neighbors.

  17. Dear Lauren, my heart is breaking too to see Ellie in such condition and to see how callous and uncaring the vets are toward injured animals. When they put money first, something is not right. So much greed surely isn't christian. How can they sleep at night?

    I'm so glad your neighbours came to the rescue and also drove you to the vet. I can't imagine the trauma you both are going through. That could have been someone's child too.
    Warm hugs to both of you. Still prayers for Ellie.


  18. I pray Ellie will continue to heal well. It is so hard to see our furbabies hurt or sick, knowing they just don't understand. Ellie is blessed to have you as her mom. The emergency vet clinic we have to use is 45 minutes away, and they also require payment up front. The fees are huge and you must transport your very sick pet to your own vet by 8 am the next morning. It seems very callous to me.

  19. Oh, Lauren, how awful that dear little Ellie was attacked. Poor little girl!
    Prayers for her quick recovery.
    I'm so glad she can go to work with you and not be alone.

    Strange that you mention the payment sign at the vet's. I just saw one that was very similar in a doctor's office. 'Depending on your insurance, you may be asked to pay first before treatment'.
    Vets aren't the only mercenary practitioners, unfortunately.

  20. MM above said it all. Your friend was lucky to have you, as is Ellie. ...jan

  21. Hope Ellie was treated like royalty at work today and am sure she feels better being with you than all alone in the house all day.

  22. OHH poor little Ellie
    I already said a healing prayer for Ellie
    I know how sad and scary this is to go through.
    I know she was very scared also.
    YES they would just let animals die if no money to treat them. Years ago my vet let me make 2 payments on A $1000 surgery for my little pug

  23. Wishes for a speedy recovery for your sweet Ellie. Glad she will be staying close to her wonderful mom for comfort and extra TLC as she heals from this trauma, poor baby. So sorry for all you both have endured.

    Sad that money has to be the first thing thought of even in emergencies, greed is running rampant in this country and it's just not fair to those who don't have the money upfront to pay when a loved one is sick or injured. Sometimes life can be hard.

    Prays for you and Ellie that all will be well again soon!

  24. Oh I am so sorry! Poor Ellie - she looks so scared. I know that it was horrible for you too.
    Seems like it is money for before care of people and pets. I know they have to get paid but what has happened to compassion for the sick and hurt?
    Prays for you and Ellie.

  25. oh no ~ sweet 'lil ellie. sending healing thoughts for the both of you...

  26. Oh no!!!! Praying sweet Ellie has a speedy recovery.Hugs Francine.

  27. when a pit attacked my moms peke the dogs owner had to sad when people dont control their pets hope she does well

  28. Sending hugs and prayers. I just ordered pepper spray because we have several neighbors who don't control their dogs. I have been honestly afraid lately walking. Yes it should go under the attacker to pay and really what if you couldn't pay. Sad.~Amy

  29. I was sorry to read about Ellie. I hope all is going well.

  30. Best wishes for a very speedy recover , poor baby

  31. Praying for sweet Ellie!I hope she has a speedy recovery and starts feeling better!!

  32. She looks pretty resilient....I think she'll be up and about soon!

  33. Awww... poor Ellie! She looks so sad! I hope she heals quick... breaks my heart to see such a little gal hurt so bad... hugs!

  34. I do hope Ellie is recovering well and is back to normal really soon. Poor thing! What a terrible experience for everyone!

  35. OMG im so sorry to hear about Ellie! Awful!! I hope she is feeling better tonight now. Thinking about you guys....

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