Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Blahs :(

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day.  My sweetie and I visited our favorite restaurant ~ Five Guys.  We love that place :)  The best fries in the whole wide world - IMHO.
I'm just feeling kind of blah and really don't have anything to share.  I'm more than halfway through a 10 day antibiotic and for the last two days just have no spunk.  I'm sure the two are unrelated.  Not sick enough to stay home from work, but just no energy or ambition.  Yesterday I came home and slept for an hour and a half - most unusual for me.  I haven't hooked much on Daisy nor have I started on the hooking for my class in 2 1/2 weeks (the hooking must be done beforehand).  I think I've finally chosen the wools for the first month of the Rebekah Smith stitch-a-long and hope I find the energy to cut the pieces out this evening.
We got a bit of snow.  Not much of an accumulation, but the pretty kind that is heavy and sticks to every twig.  In a day or two it will all be gone but no complaints from me.

Friend Bobbie gifted me with this little pincushion she made using an antique cutter quilt for the cushion.  She did a great job painting the base and the little old newspaper clipping reads,
The Best Example
Little George, aged 7, was being reproved for his bad table manners.  "You act so bad, Georgie,"said his mother.  "So bad that one would almost think you had been brought up in a stable."
"But, mother," answered George, "the Sunday School teacher taught us that Jesus was born in a stable, and look how good he turned out."
                                  Willard S. Fawcett

Saturday I headed out to a local antique mall.  Didn't find much (at prices I was willing to pay), but did find this red rug hook with worn paint ~ for only $1.  I don't find them often.  I keep them in an old flower frog.  They are very usable, but I can't hook with anything other than my Hartman.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I also have some old hooks which are nice to have but also love my Hartman. Must admit that when bringing home those old hooks that I wanted to use the hooks the other woman had used... just to 'walk in her hands'?

    Hope you get feeling better SOON gurlfren.

  2. Lauren I sure hope you get to feeling better! This is such a hard time of year to keep our spirits and health strong! Take good care of yourself and hope you get the hooking done on your rug! Love your collection of old hooks and the clever way you display them! Hugs for healing and energy!!
    Cathy G

  3. Lauren, the last time I was on antibiotic, I could hardly get out of bed and it took me a long time to get back on my feet. I had no energy and all i wanted to do was sleep.

    I love your hook display and that neat hook holder.

    Hope you get to feel better very soon.


  4. Hope you start feeling better but rest too!

  5. I haven't taken antibiotics in years. They always affected me the wrong way.
    My collection of hooks are in a basket. Hadn't thought of using a flower frog to display them.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  6. My DH loves Five Guys...their fries are def the best. Sorry you are dragging, and hope you perk up soon. What a sweet little gifted pin cushion.

  7. I am so sorry you aren't feeling well, the dentist put me on antibiotics and I am not myself at all.
    I hope you feel better soon. I love that red hook. I use a pencil hook, but I have mine in a flowerpot. I loved the joke.
    I hope you get back to normal soon.

  8. Hope you feel better soon, have you been eating yogurt? Antibiotics can up your yeast so that will make you tired too. That saying is so cute.


  9. Hope you are feeling more yourself soon. I hate being sick, especially the kind where you don't feel great but can't take time off. Love how you store your hooks! The new red one is nice!

  10. I have take probiotics while I am taking antibiotics it does help. But I sure hope you feel better soon. I love how you display your old hooks.

  11. Those are my favorite fries as well!!! My husband always asks if I want to share an order and my answer is always the same - No! I want an entire order to myself ;) Be sure to eat yogurt while taking the antibiotics! It helps me...
    Blessings, Patti

  12. Hope you're feeling much better very soon. Rest is good. A nap is pure luxury ! Taking probiotics while on antibiotics is often helpful.

  13. Oh Lauren, I'm with you on Five Guys, yummy fries indeed!!!!!!! Hope you are feeling better, Hugs Francine.

  14. I love Georgies remarks ... to true to life from our 'munchkins'.
    We don't have Five Guys in our neck of the woods ... that I know of. Glad you all had a wonderful and loving day.

    Peace to all...always,

  15. Hope you are feeling better Lauren! We will have to find a Five Guys and give it a try!

  16. Lauren feel better soon. I know what you mean about blah. I am trying to make dinner and nothing sounds good. Hugs cheri

  17. I think lots of us get the blahs I do especially if there hasn't been any sunshine for days on end.
    I am looking forward to going to an estate sale this Saturday and hoping to find a treasure for $1

  18. What a sweet pincushion. Love your pictures.
    My husband and I love Five Guys too, best fries and burgers for sure. Have a wonderful day.

  19. Hi Lauren,
    Sure hope you are feeling better!! No one likes to feel blah!! Darling pincushion from Bobbie!
    Love the hook and I store mine that way too!!
    Five Guys sure does sound yummy!! Hmmmmm, I was wondering what to do for dinner...
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Warm Hugs~

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