Monday, February 22, 2016

Favorite Khaki Background ~

Do you have certain wools that must be in your stash?  Favorite khaki background, a Rebecca Erb wool, is one of mine.  Used alone, it hooks up great.  It can be cut in either direction and if you mix them both, you get a great primitive background. 

 For this little mat (which I still can't share), I've used the khaki background and these additional wools. 

Had I been a little less lazy, I would have headed to the worm stash so I could have had even more variety.  Oh, the never ending multiplication of worms.  I do believe they procreate while we sleep.
I hope your week is off to a great start.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Those are great wools and I do love using them in rugs.


  2. Oh, those are some of my favorite wools ! Especially that striped one.
    Can hardly wait to see what you are up to !

  3. All 3 of these wools are gorgeous! And it does make a perfect light background! :-)

  4. Your Khaki worms would have mixed in very well. It's not too late to get them out is it?

  5. Your wool looks so beautiful for background. Everyone agrees that worms multiplies while we're sleeping. I'm going to sneak up on them one night and find out for sure. hehe.

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Love all of those wool pieces and they certainly do make a lovely background!! I can't wait to see your finished piece!
    Enjoy your week!!
    Warm Hugs~

  7. Hey Lauren. I am using "Favorite Khaki Background" right now as, of course, the background of Lori Brechlin's "My House" and have used it frequently before. You have reminded me that I should replace that wool today! Hook on. ...jan

  8. Morning Lauren, loving that wool, Happy Hooking,Francine.

  9. I always enjoy your hooking and what you use in your lovely rugs. I love your background wool. I am in agreement, worms keep showing up in bags and they are never ending, I just can't figure out where they come from. I hope you have a great week too.

  10. Looks great hooked Lauren!!!

  11. You are so good at mixing background wools. Mine never looks right

  12. Morning Lauren, love it!!!!! Great wool colors!!! Francine.

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