Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Out of Control ~

How do things get so totally out of control?  My 2015 New Year's goal was to declutter, purge, organize.  HA.  That never happened.  I have just over 1500 square feet with a full basement and walk up attic.  It is only me.  How can I be overflowing with STUFF???  My house was built in 1940 but I am blessed with 2 walk in closets.  They are small, but should one look like this?  I took the picture after I had already taken some stuff out.  I bought a cheap bookcase to put in there and hope to at least get the books organized.  Magazines are being sorted and organized in the spare room closet.  The sad part is that stuff I didn't know what to do with ended up in the basement.  I think I need an intervention . . . lol . . . but it's really not funny. 

In the sorting of books and magazine, I did come across a few duplicates (why???).  Today I offer these two - March/April/May 2013 issue of Rug Hooking Magazine and All-Time Favorite Hand-Hooked Rugs, presented by RHM.  If you are interested, please leave a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away as the subject.  A winner will be chosen Sunday and must contact me within 3 days.
I must share this picture of grandson Jake.  He was chosen to participate in a math tournament last Saturday, one of only six students chosen from his school.  He's the studious looking one in the glasses.
Not much else going on this hump day.  We've had lots of rain today that is supposed to turn to snow overnight.  I actually like a late winter snow storm because I know it won't stick around for too long.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren, decluttering is an on going thing and right now it seems that suddenly, everyone our age realize that they have too much stuff and are downsizing and decluttering.

    Someone was just telling me that they read in a book, can't remember the name but ask yourself if this thing giving you joy. If the answer is no, then get rid of it. It makes sense to me. It's much easier to have order in a room where you can find everything. We keep bringing things in but rarely get rid of unused stuff.
    We're all in the same boat.

    I don't miss any of my beautiful yummy cookbooks I gave away. They gave me joy when i went through them but after a while they became a burden because I didn't needed them.

    Yep, decluttering is an ongoing thing...

    1. With decluttering on the brain, i totally forgot about Jake' ribbon. You should be very proud of him. Well done Jakes. Keep up the good work.

  2. I start cleaning and then I get overwhelmed, lol.
    I know if i throw away the wrong things, I will want them later, haha. Congratulations to Jake!


  3. congrats to Jake...brainiacs are the best!

    at first I thought you'd been peeping in my windows...but seeing your photos it seems mine is only a little worse...

  4. I would be interested in the Magazines. I have two outdoor storage buildings that are full of my mother in laws stuff and my fathers. I have no ideal what treasures I might have. It is either to cold or to hot to go through them. Not to mention I need some muscle also.

  5. we live in the same house? Oh, no, mine is much, much worse! LOL I was doing okay with just cross stitch. Then started my fabric "collection" for quilting. Found I could shove a few more items in the stitching drawers for my punch needle. Since I started crocheting and knitting...there is no hope. I'm afraid that I will be going down with the ship. LOL

    Congratulations to your grandson! Smart is good.

  6. I share your pain with the "stuff" issue. I seem to purge one thing only to bring in two new. I am always trying to declutter tho. But then I love my stuff.

  7. I would love to win your extra magazines. I have not seen either one of them.

  8. I love your closets! We really are "sisters". Lol

  9. I am smiling here Lauren as the closet situation is totally out of control here too! I've really been trying the past couple of years to clean out and thought I was doing a good job..? So where does it all come from? LOL! Keep on plugging away at it! Congrats to your scholarly young man! He sure is growing up before our eyes!!
    Cathy G

  10. i would love a rug hooking magazine. we had lots of rain and wind in florida yesterday.

  11. I always try and start out with a nice plan of organization but before you know it everything is bursting at the seams! I've even heard my kids say, "What are they going to do if they ever have to move!"

  12. I agree I have no idea how it gets so out of control but it does. Of course my whole life is out of control right this minute so why would my closets be organized.
    Jake is a handsome one.

  13. its amazing how things just seem to get cluttered and amass. I have to say my sewing room is the only organized room/closet in the whole house. Perhaps it is the only room that I enter no kids/husband dogs are allowed the only thing they contribute is dog hair. I have not seen either of those magazines, I would love to be able to win. Thanks for the chance to win

  14. I need to have you help me declutter too. It's just me here too and have clothes which haven't been worn in years and slowly have been getting rid of those as well as fabrics since I no longer make dolls or quilts.

    If there are two giveaways I would be interested in the "All time Favorite rugs" but I have the other one.

  15. Every time I declutter, I end up rebuying the things I threw out because I "need" them again.
    Congratulations to Jake! Quite an honor.
    I would love your magazines.

  16. Congratulations Jake! Clutter has a way of moving to another spot just to make us feel we accomplished something. At least mine does.

  17. I wish I was doing more decluttering than I am. I still need to get up to William's room and do something with it.
    I wish we were having rain. It was 82 yesterday, I am so not ready for this.
    I wish I could just get a dumpster and load that deal up.
    Have a great Thursday Lauren.

  18. Way to go Jake!!!!!! Oh Lauren, I am decluttering too, or trying too.Blessings Francine.

  19. Hi Lauren ... Every time I eliminate something that is just when I finally need it. No matter ... it is a loosing battle.
    Congratulations to Jake ... awesome!
    I would LOVE to have some snow instead of sand and tumbleweeds.

    Peace to all,

  20. Thanks for offering the magazines - would love a chance to win.

  21. I think that decluttering is kind of like those wool worms...just keeps multiplying in the dark. I try and then give up....and buy more stuff. Jake is adorable. Love that red hair. And smart, too! Good for him.

  22. Let's focus on the positive.
    I didn't even see the clutter in the closet - I was so focused on the window !! Lucky you - you have a window in that big closet !! Very cool. (I'm easily amused)

  23. way to go Jake - he's so cute and obviously smart too ! clutter oh my - I'm the queen - my wool room is only negotiable by a goat path thru the middle - take a fall and you'll never been seen again. Love the khaki background displayed in the prior post - hope you have a great weekend - Mel


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