Sunday, January 10, 2016

What a Difference a Day Makes ~

They say if you don't like the weather in Ohio, stick around for a day and it will change :)  This morning the rain quickly changed to snow.  In a matter of minutes, northern Ohio (and many other places) turned in to a winter wonderland (though I have better names for it ~ wink).

The view from my wool room.
Progress is being made on my Ellie rug.  I guess the letters are okay from a distance.  Up close they don't look that great, but I guess that's normal.  I changed the outline of the ear.  It's better, but still not sure about it.
I've not yet planned my next hooking project.  It's on my to-do list, but so are many other things :)
A couple people asked about the scar on Ellie's hind leg that was visible in the last picture I posted of her.  When Ellie was found walking the streets of Cleveland (how did she ever survive?), she was taken to Multiple Breed Rescue.  She had surgery for a luxating patella.  According to Wikipedia, "Luxating patella (or trick knee, subluxation of patella, floating patella, or floating kneecap) is a condition in which the patella, or kneecap, dislocates or moves out of its normal location."  These are pictures of pictures, so not the greatest, but you can see the little cast she was in.

Be sure to check out my previous post if you are interested in a mystery give-away.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh poor little Ellen in that cast, I didn't realized she was a rescue. I know she lost her owner and she was lucky to have you. Now I know her a little better...

    So you finally got snow. It's so mild here right now and we're supposed to get rain over night and freezing temperature tomorrow. Not a fan of winter anymore.

    Outlining the ear with the same wool as the background in a thiner cut might work but I don't know if they do that in primitive rug. I have so much to learn. I bet Saundra would know what to do.

    Have a great week.

  2. It was in the upper 60's here today but now the temp is dropping rapidly. We will probably have snow flurries too and I'll also have to plug in the heat coil around my water reservoir.

  3. Thanks for sending me some snow! It looks
    loverly to my eyes! Ellie is one lucky pooch!
    and so cute! Julia

  4. Makes me nuts to think about the homeless and scared furpals. Makes me nuts to see white crap too.

  5. We had just rain thank goodness because it rained very hard all day. And we just heard thunder so that must mean the cold air is coming in.

  6. See, you jinxed it. We are getting Cathy's rain next. She was sweet enough to send it my way. Lol

  7. Loving ur posts,,,, and ur mats,,,, we have snow now too in ontario,,,, cold!!

  8. Forgot to say , love ur puppy,,, how sweet,,, lucky,,,
    Elaine allerton,

  9. Well... now that we got that snow out of the way... we can move on to Spring!!!! :-) Ellie's rug is looking great!

  10. Snow !! What's that ???
    Not sure we will see any in PA. January, and not a flake yet.
    Great rug hooking. (Your letters are nice and clear !)

  11. Well now you have snow. At least it is never boring. Wow, I wonder how she survived. I am so glad you have given her a home. She is a nice dog. That rug is so awesome.

  12. Love your're too hard on yourself Girlfriend. Well, you know me....I'm no fan of that white cr*p....and we have plenty of it...But you would not be seeing any unfrozen water like you have in your beautiful view out your wool room....We woke up to -23....eeek...this bird's cold! And gee, sounds like Little Crow and Ellie have something in common...although it seems her surgery was more successful than 3 of his. Perhaps we should get the name of her vet?? Stay warm... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  13. Hi Lauren,
    I agree with Robin that your letters look great!! We can be our own hardest critics! Love the rug and your sweet Ellie! Poor thing went through so much and am so happy you found each other!! Sorry about your snow!
    Stay warm and happy hooking, my friend!
    Warm Hugs~

  14. Ellie is a lucky dog to have you as her guardian angel

  15. How blessed Miss Ellie is to have been rescued and then ending up with you!!

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