Saturday, January 9, 2016


Northern Ohio
January 9
I'm lovin' it though it will be changing very soon.  Four of the next five days have a chance of snow.  We are so overdue.  We have not yet had any this winter.  I just hope Mother Nature doesn't try to get even. 
I'm making progress on my Ellie rug.  Thanks for all the kind words :)
I'm still getting my house back to normal.  I thought I was so thorough in finding all the Christmas items, but found a 2' tree still lit that I missed for 3 days.  I guess I wasn't so thorough after all :)
It's been about forever, so I'm having a little give-away.  I haven't decided exactly what it will be, but I know it will involve some wool for hooking or applique and something made with antique paisley.  As always, my rules are simple.  Leave a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away as the subject.  The winner will be announced next Sunday and the winner MUST CONTACT ME within 3 days or I will choose another.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy Saturday to you.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I am quite happy to have warm sunny days all winter, lol. It looks like it is heading our way next week, I do enjoy getting out on the cc ski's and I need the exercise;)


  2. Hi Lauren,
    So happy you have had a reprieve from the snow but I know it will eventually make a visit! I still remember those cold days when I lived in OH!!! Sending you some warm AZ sunshine!
    Enjoy your weekend, friend!!
    Warm Hugs~

  3. wish we would get some "cold" here in florida! LOL!! Enter my name in the giveaway!

  4. That's funny I had that happen too, missed two things in a cupboard.
    We are getting snow next 3 days ;0(
    Put me in for your giveaway....fingers crossed.

  5. I'm torn with the odd weather. I do love snow but must admit I've been enjoying not freezing on the walks with the dogs. Winter will surely be here all next week. ~♥Amy

  6. you are so right lauren! no snow here in ny either, weirdest winter e.v.e.r. why oh why did i have to go and buy those new tires lol!!! (not entering, wishing good luck to all)

  7. I always hate after decorating for a holiday to put all the boxes away and find something else. My problem is, I ain't pulling boxes out so I will stick it somewhere else and it may or may not ever be found. Thanks for the giveaway all of the things mentioned sound wonderful.

  8. Women are all born under one sign I swear. We all do so many of the same things!! Enter my name please Hubs loves new wool... Thanks.Sandi=

  9. Lauren if you get snow, you'll get a lot of complaints from irate people calling you with complaints. No snow is kind of good with me but we have enough of our own that I could give you some... We are expecting lots of rain on Sunday and then a freeze on Monday. Not a good mix...

    Thanks so much for your generous give away but no need to enter my name in. I have more than enough wool to last me a life time. I will never be able to hook all that wool.

    I just put away my Christmas decorations and I'm done until December....


  10. Lauren I live in ohio as well, and I could easily slip into spring without even seeing any snow but unfortunately we are bound to get done urgh......oh well so be it bring on the crafts ;). Would love to be put in for giveaway

    Thank you

  11. Lauren, we are just starting to get some cold weather here in north Florida. Have only covered my plants twice so far this winter. Oh and I would love to enter your giveaway. Nice start to a new year.

  12. Lauren I love the puppy rug hooking!
    Sign me up for the give away . That is so sweet your having a give away. I am hooking away I promise tonight!
    No excuses lol

  13. Fun way to start the new year.

  14. Fun way to start the new year.

  15. I was all done putting away after Christmas too, but then I found a Santa and my mother's Mr. and Mrs. Santa S&P shakers on my hall table. You are not alone.

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.

    Happy New Year, Lauren. ... jan

  16. So glad to hear this. Happens every year and this year, it was two items in the kitchen that I saw every day. So why didn't I realize they were Christmas until the attic door was shut?

  17. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who finds seasonal decorations long after everything else has been packed away!

  18. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who finds seasonal decorations long after everything else has been packed away!

  19. We had a few nice days too but I hear "ugly" is coming early in the week. Ugh

  20. I love it pasting the tree not noticing it had escaped the packing. I was gearing up to finally take a picture of my Christmas tree only to come home from work to find it all packed away by my efficient husband oh well pictures first next year. I love your puppy rug it looks just like your real one! Happy new year.

  21. Ha Ha... I make that into a game for family gatherings (well, actually, my family started it)...seeing who can find some decoration for every holiday still up in my house.... not funny from my perspective... Really 52? Wowsers... We've had a mild winter, but we definitely have snow (and it's snowed more the past 3 days)...Tomorrow's high (withOUT the wind chill) is supposed to be 0. Ick... I can send you all the winter you want. And woo hoo!! A giveaway I might not miss! ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  22. Youre welcome to the snow thats been falling all day Like u I found a jar of old bulbs after things were put away must be our busy lives Please enter me in the giveaway Thanks Linda m

  23. I am very glad to be using the heat less !!
    Pups are the best !

  24. We have had snow and ice and today rain lots and lots of rain at 38degrees so it is cold damp and miserable.

  25. You are so sweet. You always have such fun giveaways. I really do like that rug. I bet it makes you happy to work on it. Have a lovely Sunday. I didn't realize you haven't had snow yet.

  26. well the snow is here, i like it, cute picture, have a good week

  27. Hi Lauren, love the pup rug, adorable... that's great about the weather. it is so freezing here,brrrr.Blessings Francine. You

  28. I'm hoping for a snow day at school SOON so I can spend the day hooking!! No snow days as of January 10 in Holmes County, Ohio is rare!! Crossing my fingers that I'm your lucky winner!

  29. DUH, how did I miss this giveaway? Count me in, but honestly I'd rather win the powerball. So I'll give up the wool something if I win the Powerball, lol.

  30. Oh...I love that Ellie! I'd like some of that white stuff too. Count me in please.

  31. I learned my lesson from past years and left one tote out cuz I keep finding more things, but I believe I have finally finished "undecorating". Please enter me into your wool giveaway, I am a new collector and hooker and can always use more for my stash!

  32. Well I somehow missed your last giveaway so I'm making sure I'm getting into this one. That Saundra, she's going to win the powerball! It would be wonderful if she would, but it would be even more wonderful if I did....and I'd share!!


  33. Good morning Lauren! Brrr, would be a good day to stay in by the fire & hook, but I'm off to work! Wondering what you're next hooking project will be, so many patterns, so little time!! Have a good day!!

  34. Hi Lauren, no snow here...just rain!! Thank you for your advice on my hooking camp, both teachers were excellent and so much fun! Happy Hooker! Saw the sweetest pug rugs, Kathy's pattern!
    Pug Hugs!

  35. I'd love to be added to the mystery giveaway.

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