Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Un-focused ~

Sometimes I think I may be a little ADHD.  I am so close to finishing my Ellie rug. 
I put that aside to hook some hearts with hand torn strips.  These will be finished Heavens-to-Betsy style with patchwork backs.
The linen backing, though noticeable in the picture,
is not in person.

Gold wools used.

Red wool cut horizontally.

On my trip to California last summer, I stitched many pennies, but had done nothing with them so decided to put together a little mat.  Only one penny to go.  Using dyed crochet thread, my stitches are none too petite.

Tomorrow I'm off to the Hidden Hills Hookers to learn how to add a braid to my snowman mat.  I've seen Betsy Reed do it, but I need the hands-on experience.
So what are you working on?
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I used to do two rugs at once, it is nice to take a break from one and work on another to break it up;)


  2. O Lauren ...such talent ! Love those hearts :) Have fun tomorrow , I'm going to work on a few old quilt hearts , health permitting . ~Hugs Angie

  3. I like your pennies and the rug you are working on, I bounce around from one project to another, have a good weekend!

  4. Oh, those hearts are just too cute!! I don't hook, but these would look great in punch needle! Have a wonderful time at your class.

  5. You are always so thoughtful to show us the wool you use ~ I usually forget unless 'someone' reminds me. Your penny mat is great and cannot wait to see your braided edge. I'd need hands on too even tho I've seen how Betsy does hers twice now. Nice hearts too, but not as good as YOUR heart.

  6. Saundra got that right... Your hearts are nice but not as nice as your heart. I'm one lucky girl who has one of your beautiful Valentine heart in my cherished possession.

    What I'm working on is finishing that filing paper work
    and then I can concentrate on hooking that abstract rug. Almost done but I ripped out a section.
    Looking forward to a tutorial on that braided finished. Have FUN.
    Stay safe and warm.

  7. Awww, the Ellie rug is precious and I love the hearts too Lauren. Have fun, Blessings Francine.

  8. at least you are being productive which I am not. I love your hearts and pennies.

  9. We must have been separated at birth! I just cannot stick with one project. Be sure to show how you finish the hearts "Betsy Reed style".

  10. You would not be my twin if you were not, at least at times, ADHD.... ;o) I put down Little Crow's stocking (what's the point at this point?) and am thinking about trying to locate the heart I had started last February. Hmmm....where do you suppose that might be hiding? Love your hand-torn-strip hears...and that penny mat is adorable!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

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